Peppermint Shrimp


I am considering a couple peppermint shrimp in my new aquarium. What do they require? What do they eat? Good with clownfish?


really the only requirement is a place in the rock to hide. They scavenge for food that hits the bottom. If you check my tank list and have these and clowns, no problems


Since peppermint shrimp eat uneaten food on the sand bed, they are actually an advantage to an aquarium? Cool!! :D
Sorry guys - I meant to post this message in the "Fish Discussion" forum. Oh well, I got my question answered anyway. Thanks!


No, they don't, just that they do in that they need room to hide. They like to be kept in groups so get a few, and from those they will likely spawn. The ones I have can be bold will even try to steal food from my fish.


Don't expect to see much of them though. I have 5 and have only seen 1 during the day. They usually come out at nights.


Peppermint shrimp are pretty shy in the beginning, after about 2 months mine come out and try to catch flakes as the drift by, they walk around quite a bit when I approach the tank. Mine also love it when I throw in the frozen fish, Silversides or shrimp.


Active Member
do you know if they are rathbunae shrimp versus wurrdmani? noth are types from the caribbean, both are great to have in a tank, however if you are lookign to control apitasia, the wuurdmani shrimp seem to do a better job at eating the pests, than the rathbunae, however oth will go after them. both specise are simultaneous hermaphrodites, so if you get a pair, one will turn into a male, the other a female. this usually takes about 19 days, and after that they will mate and spawn, which is great because it is a constatn source of food for your fish and corals!
good luck


How sensitive are these shrimp to water parameters as cleaner shrimp are? I've seen these a lot cheaper than the cleaners and heard about a lot of people losing cleaners right away. My tank has been up for 2 weeks, with 45 LBS LR, its cycled and my 3 clowns have been doing great for the last week. I need to add some scavengers now.