Peppermint Shrimp

I have 1 Sailfin tang, 6 Green Chromis, and 1 Six-Lined Wrasse. I feed them Brineshrimp, and Flake food. What are the chances that they will attack some Peppermint Shrimp that I put into the tank?
Yes I Agree. I am getting 3 more chromis' because i love to watch these fish school. And im very dissapointed that my Sixlined has been recently deseased. he got sucked into my powerhead, im going to get a foam cover for it now. I'm even going to try a peppermint shrimp in my mantis tank.


Probably a waste of money to put a pep shrimp in a mantis tank. Unless you are putting it there for food.....
I bought 1 pep shrimp about a month ago and as soon as I put it in my tank my sunrise dottyback tore it up enough that it was too hurt to escape my serpent star. My 6 line kinda watched the whole ordeal from afar.
I will be moving mid june and be getting rid of the sunrise. Neat fish but I would rather have a few shrimp in there.