Peppermint Vs Cleaner Shrimp!??!


I recieved 10 peppermint shrimp from on friday and it says 1 inch they were between 1/4 -3/4 inch. well anyway now im out about 25 dollars cause theres only like 3 left...
actually u might not have guessed but my 2 skunk cleaner shrimp teamed up and took out about 4 peppermint shrimp once i added them into my tank which i had turned the main lights off and turned the night lights on.
Is this only sounding weird to me because everywhere else it says that cleaners are very peaceful.
i really think should send me a new batch of 10 peppermint shrimp because they were NOT 1 INCH.
What do you think??!!??!!??


New Member
I bought some peppermints from them too not knowing what to expect. I must say they were pretty small. Not sure how many I have left from the original 5. Have seen 2 or 3 when the lights go out. Haven't experienced my cleaner shrimp bothering them. I am hoping the peppermints will take care of my aptasia problem. Looks like they have put a dent in it. Wouldn't try too hard on a refund. They didn't cost that much to begin with and your LFS will charge 2 to 3 times what SWF charges.