Perc and Long tent plate coral


i am thinking of getting a perc or two to enjoy this huge plate coral... got any advice?? good or bad. thanks mobi


You want to use a plate coral and not an anemone as a host for the percs?
I dont think this is a good idea, the percs will possibly kill the coral. Just my opinion..


do you really think it would be trouble? i would think the plate would get used to the perc, and also the perc could feed it and brush away debris.... any other opinions would be appreciated thank you. mobi :D

fish fry

Actually the new trend is to keep them with corals, since anemones are so hard to keep alive. I'm not sure how they are with plate corals, although I've never heard of a clown attackng corals.
Search and you will find some post suggestion which corals work well as anemones subsititues.


Go ahead. My perc loved my plate coral. It all depends on the fish, since my friend just bought a huge plate and the clowns don't even come near it. My percs fought for my small plate until the plate was stung by my tube anemone. Now it's gone and I think I'll get another. Just make sure the plate is 3-4" away from other corals and anemones.


I know its been a week since someones posted on this and no one probably cares any more, but I just thought I'd jump in with one last thing...well, two..
I have a Sebae anemone and a pink skunk in my reef have had since July, doing well, very happy and a friend of mine has a bubble tip anemone and pink skunk in his reef for well over a year, both doing very very well..
So, a final thought, let me know if the plate coral and stuff is working, I'm curious!!!!
Ambie :)


I think it all depends on the clown. My friend bought a huge plate and he said his clowns don't even go near it. He bought it because he saw one of my percs all over my plate. It's a hit and miss I guess.