Perc - Beth?


My perc now has lost a LOT of weight...he's very skinny now but he still seems to have a healthy appetite. He seems to have a little gash behind his right fin...the other one has it too and I don't know where it came from. Any thoughts?


Staff member
rbaby, give us more info about your tank, what other fish are in the tank, and what you are feeding your fish, and how long have you had these fish?


My water is all good, i've been really good at keeping the levels well. I have an orange striped goby, it's a 12 gallon tank and I've had them for a couple months now.


Staff member
Need more info. Take a look at the FAQ Thread and the first post there that suggests how to post in the Disease Forum.


1. State the problem as you see it and provide details.
He's been really weird the past couple of weeks. A couple of weeks ago he started to develop this white coating--I brought him to the LFS and they said it wasn't Ich, that it was stress and medicated him. He looked better.
Then I saw a little scratch behind his right fin...the other perc had this too. I don't know where it came from...but it's there.
Now he's starting to get thinner...he used to be such a fat li'l he's REALLY thin but his appetite is still well.
2. List symptoms...white spots, not eating, labored breathing, etc.
- Getting thinner.
3. How long the fish has been exhibiting these symptoms.
A week or so.
4. What is in the tank; other fish, live rock, corals, inverts.
Just another percula (they were purchased together), they get along great...and an orange striped goby. Sometimes the goby will come up to them to intimidate them, but the pair just usually runs away from him and that'd be the end of that, but not often, he spends practically all his time in his little cave. There's also a sand sifting starfish.
5. State the tank size, and how long the tank has been up and running.
It's 12 gallons, running about 3 months now.
5. Diet; what are you feeding the fish, and do you use any supplements like selcon, zoe, zoecon or garlic.
Just frozen brine shrimp, no supplements...haven't gotten a chance to do those yet ^^.
6. How long have you had the particular fish and have there been any new additions.
No new additions, tank was cycled with 2 damsels...they were replaced with the 2 percs and added the goby about tw weeks later. The starfish was added last week.
7. Was the fish quarantined prior to placing it in your main tank, and do you have a quarantine tank that you can use? EVERYONE SHOULD!!!)
No, my LFS said that they do that to all their fish though, I have no QT tank, this is my first saltwater tank.
8. Have you tried any treatments thus far before posting here. And, if so, describe what you have done.
9. Water parameters!!! ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, temperature and salinity. These are very important to know. Please don't say "my water quality is good". Give real numbers. It could be the key to solving the problem.
Nitrite: 0
High Range pH: 8.2
Nitrate: 10
Ammonia: 0
Water Temperature: 77 F


Staff member
Do you have LR or not?
You need to set up a QT. Are you willing to do that? Are you saying your fish has spots as in ich?
I would begin by placing both fish in a QT and begin the hyposalinity procedure. [Discussed in the FAQ Thread]
Additionally, brine shrimp has little nutritional value. Take a look at the FAQ Thread and the fresh seafood mix option. Or get a variety of frozen foods and offer it to your fish.
When the fish had a white film, did the film peal at all, or did it just look white on the skin?


The white is gone now...I'm more concerned about his weight loss. After they treated his skin at the LFS (they said it was not ich)...he looked much better after that.
I have about 25 lbs of LR in there and a full bag's worth of LS.


Staff member
Ich comes and goes, so I would watch that.
As I said, a diet of brine is like a diet of bread and water. You need to add nutritious foods and a variety. Also add zocon to your food. It is a good vit supplement.


Thank you Beth. I will definitely start to set up a Quarantine tank now and hope they make it while it cycles through.
I will change their diet and saw that Mysis Shrimp and some flake food was highly nutritional. Are freeze dried Mysis shrimp just as nutritional? If so, can anybody please email me a place where I can buy excellent freeze dried Mysis shrimp?
Also, where can I get this Zocon? Thank you!


Staff member
Flakes and dried foods are not on the top of my list. Doesn't your LFS have a little fridge full of a variety of frozen foods? Zoecon, check the LFS or you can get it online.


I'm sure they do, I was just hoping to find a more convenient option. If my fishies can get the same amount of nutrition from a freeze dried mysis, or just slightly less...I'd go for it. I'm not very good with handling seafood and since during the day when it's time to feed them I usually don't have that much time because I juggle between school and work so if I can pop open a can and drop some in there as opposed to having to slice some up or something, it'd be a lot better.
Thanks Beth I'll look into those things.