Perc Clown Whats wrong?


I just added a Perc Clown to my tank and he's acting funny(no pun intended). He was swimming throughout the tank when I first put him in, in the live rock alot. Now he has started just hanging out just above one of my powerheads right under the water surface. I took my time putting him in adding my water to the bag slowly before putting him in. My damsels and aneminies are doing fine and all my tests are ok. Should I be concerned with his lack of movement and that he is staying at the top of the water? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Actually to my suprise the damsels stayed away from him and hid in the LR. They have not even gotten close to him maybe because he's ashade bigger than them.


I agree just give him a day or so to get used to the tank. one of mine a couple of years ago usta sleep on top of the powerhead he felt safer there LOL


Mine did the same thing when i got him. Now he sleeps near the top of the tank. Almost looks like he's dieing, but as soon as you put on thelight he's all over the place. I would not worry about it if I was you.
yeah, mine is dancing behind the overflow box, I just added him yesterday........he found out that he can't host the condy and the worantian......but funny how he pays no mine to the bta


My clown hosts my power head, its his place and he defends it(only when its time for bed, he roams during the day):p