perc or oceleris???


Active Member
percula or oceleris it said this was percula at store i know the other one is but is this percula or oceleris


Actually they will probably just pair up like any other clowns as long as they both are not already female. I have a perc and a black oscellaris paired in my 120 they just havn't bred. It is possible for them to breed just not as likely.


Active Member
They both look to be ocellaris to me, but it isn't an easy thing to determine especially at the current age they are.
In any case, an ocellaris and percula may pair up and even reproduce creating offspring that are commonly called percularis. Sometimes even ocecula.


Originally Posted by troy989
i think the biger one is percula it has prety thick black lines
I agree plus the body shape makes me believe it also. oscillaris tend to look a little more streamlined in most cases. They are commonly sold as false percs also. That could have been the confusion.


Active Member
Yea I know I just like to say oceleris I think false perc is a mean nameo
but I'm sure it said percula


Active Member
damit i paid $30 a piece but i still think biger one is perc look at the thicknes of the line ill post beter pic of him plus hes just a baby.


I still believe the other is a percula. What makes me think this is the larger black lines, the fact that the front dorsal is not really taller than the rear dorsal. Its hard to be definate from the pictures though. Can you count the number of bones in the dorsal? on the first on that is an oscellaris notice how high the front of the dorsal is compaired to the back.