Perc's mouth falling off!


This is really weird. It started about a week ago when I saw a red bump on my Perc's chin (directly under is mouth). I thought maybe he bumped into a rock or something because it went away after 2 days. Then it came back, and went away again. I noticed that his mouth always seemed to be open after that, but otherwise he was swimming and eating normally.
Now, it looks like his mouth is deteriorating! It looks like it's going to fall off, and he can't seem to close his mouth or move it. He didn't eat at all today. Also he seems to not be able to let go of his own poop! It follows him around like a string.
I have not noticed any cottony stuff around his mouth.
Poor guy. I don't know what to do. I am going to test the water tonight and see if all levels are okay. Tomorrow I will start the process of doing a water change.
I can't QT him because I have some chromis in my QT waiting out hypo.
If anyone knows what's going on, please post! I feel so bad for the little guy! I don't want to lose him!:nope:


Staff member
How long have you had this fish? And can you move it to a QT? Notice any aggression from other fish?


Thanks Beth and Terry,
Unfortunately it was already too late like Terry suspected. We had the fish for 2 months. He died yesterday. I don't know how he got this tumor or bump. No aggression from other fish that I have seen. I had 2 other fish die in the tank rather suddenly for no apparent reason- 2 firefish. The only suspect we had was our blood red- but I was told that those shrimp wouldn't bother fish at all.
All water parameters are good:
ammonia 0
nitrate 0
nitrite 0
ph 8.3
temp 79
salinity 1023

I lost 3 fish in 1 month! And one of my Chromis in QT just died too. I am in the process of bringing them out of hypo and all seemed fine until this morning I found 1 stuck to the intake. So that makes 4 fish in 1 month!

Anyway, thanks for the advice, I will try and remember the meds next time (hopefully it won't happen again) it happens.