Percula and BTA


New Member
Well I just got a BTA about 2 days ago.
I was wondering if it takes a certain amount of time for the clowns to take to the BTA? Since they both look at it but don't go near it. It is big enough to have them both in there. The diamater of the anemone is about 7-8 inches.
Also would I be able to put in a different species of clownfish in my tank?
It's an 80gal.
Or just keep it to the two of my perculas?


I have to ask because of the low post count, how long has your tank been set up? What kind of lighting do you have?
The bta is not percula's natural host but a good substitute due to the level of difficulty their natural hosts bring. They may host in a week. a month or maybe not at all, no one can say for sure. Mine took about a month.
It is not advisable to add more than one pair of clowns. They get do best when kept in pairs, adding more will disrupt the harmony of the couple and cause fighting. There are many other kinds of fish you can safely add to your tank that will get along with them well.


New Member
That's what I thought.
I use to have another file but I forgot my password. My tank has been running for about 5 years.
I knew it wasn't for them. They take to carpets but I couldn't find a carpet anemone anywhere plus I really don't like the way the anemone looks.
I've got about 120 watts.
My anemone is mounted towards the top of my tank. About 10 inches from the top of the tank


I see then you are experienced w/saltwater but not w/anemones, yes?
Your lighting is inadequate, either upgrade or get rid of the anemone. Under the current conditions it will linger for a few months consuming itself then die. I would say at the very least you will need to triple the amount of light. All hosting anemones are photosynthetic and cannot survive without proper lighting. They all come from tropical climates where they reside in shallow seas.
I would not say a bta is not for them, just not thier natural host, but if you don't do something about your lighting you need not worry because it won't be around long enough for them to host.
Most carpets require MH and are not easy to keep, would only try one after you are able to successfully keep an easier species.
Here is a link you should read