percula clown behavior?


I have two percula clowns one bigger then the other one they have been together almost 3 months now and usually when they sleep they stay together in the corner. Last week i couldn't sleep so i came down to watch t.v. and checked out my tank in the dark the t.v. light made it so i can see a little bit, i heard a loud jump and thought my hawaiian puffer bite one of my fish but my bigger percula clown was jumping around and moving kind of fast.
Then i saw her swimming slow on the bottom of the sand. The next day everything was fine.a few mins ago the lights were off and i came over to the tank and saw one percula the smaller one sleeping but the bigger one was swimming funny then she started jumping around the tank again and hanging around the bottom of the sand again. Should this be a concern? i don't think i scared her because i came over slow and the fish couldn't see me anyways. thanks for any help. She never used to do that before a night she always hung out with the other clown in the corner but they don't hang out anymore.


Staff member
As long as the clowns are eating well, look healthy, I wouldn't worry about it. Clowns have that name for more than their looks! They do some funny things at times! :hilarious


She's totally fine i just wanted to make sure she's not getting stressed by something. In the day time the two clowns hang out together and at night they don't anymore.


New Member
im very new to the hobby so i dont know much
but i can tell you my clowns act pretty strange
one of them lays on top of a crab when it come near it
at first i thought it was sick and dying but it seems fine i think its just a goof ball


It seems obvious to me that the guy in this relationship is a heavy snorer and the lady's just looking for a quiet spot to catch her ZZZ's


Active Member
So these two poor guys are stranded on a island. They are not very good fishermen and the only thing the manage to catch for dinner is a big old Maroon clown fish. They cook it up and start to eat and one looks over to the other an says
"this taste funny to you"? :hilarious