percula clown


New Member
I got a percula clown and I am new to the saltwater fish stuff, just wondering, what can I put in the tank for the clown to rest on, I dont have good enough light for a anemones, and feel bad it just swims around constantly, any idea or can someone point me in the right direction to find things others have done


I'm starting a similar setup and wondered if I have to have a clean up crew? Would some snails do the trick.....?


Active Member
I have noticed that percula clownfish tend to spend a lot of time swimming rather high in the tank at first. This is my personal observation, but slowly, very slowly my clown worked his way down. As long as you don't have anything that is aggressive to it he'll find himself a nice spot among your live rock to relax. One thing to possibly consider is getting him a mate, I got a second smaller clown several months later and the two seem so much happier now. Just be careful about the size you pick, if they are both small you should be ok, or atleast try to make sure the new one is smaller.
I have heard of clownfish taking on a variety of things as a host, corals being a fairly popular choice but the most interesting was a feather duster hosting a clown.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gkotlin
I'm starting a similar setup and wondered if I have to have a clean up crew? Would some snails do the trick.....?
A cleanup crew will definately help! A good cheap cleanup crew usually starts with a bunch of turbo snails and some hermit crabs. You can add more as you go depending on your needs. Nassarius snails are pretty nice and help clean up sand, Astrea snails are cheap and like cleaning glass, Mexican turbos are FAST and get huge and clean a ton but in my experience they tend to fall on their back and die if not help back upright. As far as hermits, bluelegs tend to be very inexpensive and although they tend to start out small they will grow quite a bit (you can buy a bunch of empty shells cheap at a craft store for them to grow into so they will hopefull not kill your snails for their shells). Start of with a dozen or 2 of each hermits and snails and see how it goes. After that there are tons of possibilities for cleaning.


Active Member
lawliss what kind of lighting do you have? if posibly you can get some kind of coral for your clownfish to rest on. are you planning on building a reef?