percula clownfish and anemone?


New Member
I have a 10 gallon reef tank that I have had for a couple of years. I go back and forth between my 10 gallon and 29 gallon as I move with school. My question is what kind of anemone should I get for this small of a tank? I know I would have to order a small size but what would be good for 2 percula clownfish? I was debating a Carpet anemone,
Ritteri (Maroon) anemone, Saddle anemone, or a Bubble anemone. Also my clownfish swim really hard sideways through the sand kicking it up. Does this mean anything? Are they playing or still bickering? Any help would be great. I also have a powercompact with 2 50/50 65watt bulbs on a 10 gallon so quite a bit of light.


Do not do a carpet anemone... thatsnjust my opinion
Do the clowns look like they are scraping against the sand because if they are it might mean they have some kind of an external parasite


New Member
no it doesn't look like they have any parasites I also put in marine max by tropical science that has a desease preventing probiotic. Looks like they do it more for fun like a mating thing. They are slowly pulling sand away from a live rock piece every time they do it. Then they chill under the rock for a little while. Would a Heteractis Magnifica be to big for the tank? Any more help on the right anemone and clownfish behavior would be great.


New Member
I would choose a bubble anemome because they do pretty well and should be fine for the clowns.
If the clowns start scraping against any rocks or glass ar show any weird types of behavior such as shaking or possibly not as active as usual then they most likely have a parasite. I have seen my clown and heard of clowns that seem to do it for fun. :thinking:


I'd go with a bubble tip anemone. Your clowns will host it in less then 4hrs..thats how long it took when I had put a bubble tip anemone in my tank.


ive had a carpet in my 7 gallo0n and it started to die so i got rid of it my clown hosted my green bubble tip before it hit the sand bed. that anenome got sucked up in the filter so now he has just hosted a rose bubble tip that was too small for him before but it has finally grown enough to host. your best bet is to get a bubble i only have 32 watts on my 7 and the rose bubble is growing rapidly. one key thing about getting clowns to host that ive found is gettting a true prec ive had falses and they neever host but my true will host in anything good luck with your tank let us know how it turns out.
ps. im also in school and my rose has no problem traveling back and forth with me