Percula Clownfish - Constantly bites my hand...


Every time I put my hand in the tank to do matinence my dumb Percula Clownfish bites me.
I thought these guys were mostly peaceful... I almost want to feed him to my Rock Bass (who is very territorial, but not dumb enough to bite me)


that is pretty typical for clowns - they don't fear much of anything once they have chosen their territory. There are no obedience training tips I can give you on this


Originally Posted by rcoultas
that is pretty typical for clowns - they don't fear much of anything once they have chosen their territory. There are no obedience training tips I can give you on this

Yep, it is part of their personality. I personaly like fish with attitude


Well, I'm getting a Engineer goby tomorrow...
If he attacks the goby the clown is gone, maybe my father wants a mean little clown lol.


Active Member
I love that my dinky little clowns are afraid of nothing. They're never aggressive with my other fish, except if they get too close to the clowns' anemones.


Originally Posted by mademperor
Well, I'm getting a Engineer goby tomorrow...
If he attacks the goby the clown is gone, maybe my father wants a mean little clown lol.
Oh, they are not mean fish by any means. You invaded his space, that is all. You will like him. I doubt he will bother the goby.


my clowns have decided that my tank is theirs and i am not able to put mt hands anywhere in my tank. And i have a 75 gallon. work with one eye on the fish and the other on what u r doing.


Active Member
There little fish whay have fear? My damsel constantly bites me and i think it is funny, Like sepulatian said "i like fish with personality"


Active Member
Clownfish are Damsels.
Damsels are territorial, brazen, fearless little monsters.
I've been on close to 100 dives in the Carribean and Pacific. Guess which fish is the only one to ever bite me?


Active Member
When i was snorkeling in the east indian ocean these damsel like fish were way curious and could not resist pecking at me and swimming right with me.
Very similar to how mine act towards my arm.


The female is the one that does it in mine...
My wife was the first one to get her hand bit. I've gotton used to it and get a nibble now and then...actually isn't so bad...
My wife is terrified and I call her a big WUSS....


I found that if I move or wiggle my fingers while putting my hand in the tank it keeps her at bay, but sometimes she snuggles up...


Active Member
We used two have a footlong freshwater snowflake eel, He drew blood when it bit and man it hurt.


I know what you mean.. scares the crap out of me when you not expecting the little guy to bite...
But what my fiance does.. is as they seem to bit her more.. is GET THE FISH NET OUT and put it in the tank.. they hate it.. so they say away from her hand when she is doign stuff in the tank..
She alawys thretens the 2 clowns with the fish net is too funny,....


A maroon clown was added to my list of fish when I saw him bite the LFS guy's hand. I have not bought one yet but am lookng forward to it. I love a fish with attitude. It just fits with my other fish. None of my fish are aggressive, but they do think that they each own the tank.


I thought my clown was the only one to do this. I have two and the other doesnt bite me. One time during a water change he took a piece of skin.....


Think of how the fish feel. You are invading their space. My lion sees my hand and thinks that I have food, even if he just ate. Respect your fish and what they think when they see you. When I open the lid of my tank my lion and 'Sir Quizzy' are right there looking for something. I slowly put my hand in and keep it still. They realize that I am not there for them and don't bother my hand once it is in.


Active Member
my clowns do this as well, not everytime i stick my hand in but alot. at first it scared me but now im kinda used to it he still sneaks up on me every now and then but i just try and respect them and they arent as bad if i stick my hand in while they are in their anenome and they bit me more when i didnt have a anenome in there for them.