Percula Clownfish - Constantly bites my hand...


Active Member
I guess my clowns behave well over most of you. I've got 2 pairs and we started them out as little babies about the size of a dime. When I'm working in the tank, they stay away, when I feed they eat from my hand.


Not for sure if this is nice but when my clownfish bites my hand I flick my finger at her like when you flick somebody in the head. I never make contact but it must send water shooting in her face, she does not like it and leaves me alone. They can bite pretty hard for such little fish.


Active Member
all my clowns have done that. and your right sometimes it can hurt.
my Lunare Wrasse likes to spit water in my face when i have my head over the water feeding or cleaning or whatnot. Just a few mins ago i was feeding my fish and my wife came downstairs to watch and asked me how i got water on the front of my shirt. I told her the wrasse did it and of course she didn't believe me until i had her put her face over the water and he spit at her too.
My dogface on occasion has spit water at me from across the room.
fish have some awesome personalities.


i wish my clowns were like that every time i walk by they dart into their cave
i wish they would get more aggressive


You REALLY don't want them to bite you. It can hurt when they do.
I have a clown in my nano and can't put a fingertip in there without getting attacked. I have thrown water all over the wall from pulling my hand out from an unexpected bite.


Originally Posted by austin
i wish my clowns were like that every time i walk by they dart into their cave
i wish they would get more aggressive
They seem to be more aggressive if they have a host and you get too close. My brain coral is almost too big for his area but I hate to remove him because of the Clown Fish.


Originally Posted by yerboy
all my clowns have done that. and your right sometimes it can hurt.
my Lunare Wrasse likes to spit water in my face when i have my head over the water feeding or cleaning or whatnot. Just a few mins ago i was feeding my fish and my wife came downstairs to watch and asked me how i got water on the front of my shirt. I told her the wrasse did it and of course she didn't believe me until i had her put her face over the water and he spit at her too.
My dogface on occasion has spit water at me from across the room.
fish have some awesome personalities.
will a sixline wrasse spit at me? I plan to get one near christmas time.


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Clownfish are Damsels.

Damsels are territorial, brazen, fearless little monsters.
I've been on close to 100 dives in the Carribean and Pacific. Guess which fish is the only one to ever bite me?
Clowns are damsels? really?

Originally Posted by crabsrkewl

will a sixline wrasse spit at me? I plan to get one near christmas time.
Mine has never spat at me
When i do my water changes my clowns go up to the tips of my fingers and look at it like its food. I just move the head of the siphon towards them and the swim away, not wanting to get stuck in there


I have the same problem!
There is one corner that my occ. clown has made his territory. Whenever I go by it, it bites me! It will even jump out the water while I am pulling my hand out and so it can bite me!
This may make you laugh, but what I do is with one hand in the tank, I do the maintance and the other has a chop stick to push it away and it also gives it something to attack b/c it's moving!!!!


Ah, let him get to know you, not a stick that you push at him. I had my hand in the tank tonight to move the powerhead which had slipped. My son yelled, "MOM, the lionfish!!!!" I looked and he was swimming as fast as he could at my hand. I turned my hand and showed him that I didn't have anything. He turned and slowly swam away. These fish are not trying to hurt you. They either don't like you invading their space, don't know why you are there, or think you have something for them. It is okay. I know my fish and what they are after. These are your pets. They may be fish, but they know who their owner is just as any other pet does. They should be comfortable with your hand in the tank. Move slow and don't thrust objects at them. That will only make them more affraid.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mademperor
Every time I put my hand in the tank to do matinence my dumb Percula Clownfish bites me.
I thought these guys were mostly peaceful... I almost want to feed him to my Rock Bass (who is very territorial, but not dumb enough to bite me)
stop putting your hand in the tank....