i have a percula clownfish still small i have seen a few little white spots on him and now hes stays at the bottom of my tank and i just want to know if the white spots are a prob are if thats just normal :notsure:
Uh oh---Sounds like Ich. No good.
Can you get a good picture? There's very knowledgable people on this forum and a pic would help. Do you have a quarantine tank?
what how hes the 1st fish i had in the tank and i have a snail a hermitcrab and i permintshrimp and i dont have one yet does a qt have to be big i have a small tank about 3g would that work
could also be a type of fungus that Percs are prone to getting. Are the spots on the fins or by the mouth? If so, this will usually clear up. My clowns got it twice and I just made sure their food was garlic soaked and it cleared up in no time.
i will take somepics and let u all see them but know hes swimming around and seems fine i feed him frozen food its called formula one thats what the lfs said is best if it is itch how do u treat it and will it kill my clown i hope not hes so cute :happyfish and on the qt tank should i use water from my display tank