Percula Clownfish ?????


I just bought a pair of Percula Clownfish and they are about 1-1.5 inches long. I need to know what they eat because I provided them with some flake and they started racing around trying to eat it then just spits it out. Help don't want to starve them!!! Also bought a Sebea Anemone to be there
host with the most!!!! So anyway can you help?


Active Member
My perc isn't to picky. They'll eat mysis and brine shrimp you could also get some herbivore frozen cubes for some variety.

bang guy

I would recommend frozen seafood of appropriate size. Squid, scallops, mysid, etc. Stay away from flaked food in my opinion.

bang guy

Brine Shrimp are like candy. They are a good way to get a fish eating but thay have very little nutritional value. They are a poor choice long term.


Well-Known Member
brine is technically not a very nourishing food and should not be fed as the sole food.
Clownfish will generally eat anything, honestly. Clowns are omnivorus, they will eat brine, mysid, some nori, some shrimp, and flake.
Keep feeding flake for awhile. They will eventually get hungry enough and eat it. If they don't eat it in a few days, switch to some other preparation.


Well-Known Member
It also depends on if they are wild caught and if they are aquacultured. Usually aquacultured fish are used to eating flake and will readily take it.
You should always try to get aquacultured fish because they acclimate better to tank conditions.


Ya I feed my fish tanks a home made fish food composed of 6-8 frozen mixes also flake food for varity. I still have npt seen anything go into their mouths. I can see their insides does that mean they are not healthy or are they just real young? Thanks for all of your input.