percula clowns stripes/niger trigger

duece biga

New Member
i have 2 percula clowns in my 44gal and was wondering about the differences? One has a black line that separates the orange and white an the other one the orange and white run together with no black. Can these two possibly mate since their different in color? I also have a niger trigger in there with them and was wondering if thats a threat ? He mainly stays in his rock though havent seen him much cept at feeding time.


One of the clowns is a True Percula and one is a False Percula. I cant remember what the difference is anymore.
As for the niger as long as hes not hurting them now he will prolly be ok, as long as he stays fed. Triggers can be peaceful or psychotic depending on the indvidual fishes personality. Nigers tend to be on the peaceful side however.