Percula Fight

johnny y

New Member
Two weeks ago I purchased three tank-raised Perculas at my LFS, and they all seemed to be very happy and well adjusted until last week they started fighting. I dont know if they are establishing who is dominant, but the full on ram each other head to head like fighting bulls... and one seems to be slowly weakening. Every once and a while my yellow tang will get in there and break them up...
I asked the attendant at the store if i should purchase three or four, and he recomended three. Is one eventually going to get killed, should I isolate one of them from the others, or will the eventually establish a social heirarchy? Should I move one to my sisters tank, will he do alright with a black clarkie clown?.... Should I purchase a fourth, or just let nature take its course?...
Any advice or commentary would be appreciated....:notsure:


I don't think 3 is a good number for clowns. If you have 3, you give one of the 3 clowns to choose which other one clown she would like to have and the one who didn't get choosen will eventually get beaten up by the other two.
If you moved it to another tank with a different species clown, chances are he's not gonna survive long either.
I would suggest you to return one to your LFS and get some $$$ before you lose your clown for nothing.


New Member
I have three clowns aswell and I've noticed that the smaller one gets picked on a little. They havent faught but I'm worried about my little guy. They were all getting along really well for a while. I cant sell it back to the pet store. In the wild, dont they live in groups? (i could be mistaken) I would be willing to buy a few more peculas to keep the peace. What do you suggest? appreciate the help!


New Member
Hey guys,
I'm starting to get worried about my little clown. Hes eating and everything but he hides under a rock most of the time. Would it help to get a few more peculas or should I just try to get rid of one. please help



Originally posted by mealworm
Hey guys,
I'm starting to get worried about my little clown. Hes eating and everything but he hides under a rock most of the time. Would it help to get a few more peculas or should I just try to get rid of one. please help

I would recommend trading one in rather than trying to maintain a group. I have never tried maintaining a group though.


New Member
Your LFS doesn't know what they're talking about. I agree with the previous response. 2 clowns usually will pair up leaving the other one as an outcast. In the wild they do live in groups but I don't suggest you do that since you only have a 30 gallon tank. Give one back to the pet store, not your sisters because 2 different clown species will tend to fight.