Percula suicide


One of my percula clowns jumped out of the tank. It was the female and her mate is really small. Is it possible to add another clown for it? I feel so bad. If so, should I get a clown that is relatively the same size?


That's the 3rd clown I've heard of/seen jump this week. The other day while at my LFS, a healthy looking maroon clown jumped right out of the tank, landed in the floor, a dirty floor at that and almost had a customer step on it. It didnt look so good after one of the workers put it back in the tank.
Before this week, I would have thought of Clowns as the least likely to jump out of an aquarium, I now stand corrected. Sorry to hear of your loss.
Ask your LFS about whether a male(the majority of clowns in a tank) or female(the largest clown in a tank) clown would be the best replacement, as I am unsure. All males will eventually become females if kept in pairs.
I would recommend a cover anyway. If you have a PetSmart near you, they sell glass 2 piece covers(one cover for each side of the top) that fit right into the top molding of most All-Glass or Perfecto aquariums. They can slide forward or backward to feed fish, etc... They had them for 29 gal/20 gal long for $18. You really should invest in one. These came with my last tank, and I will be buying a set for my 20 Long very soon.


The Juveniles can go skitzo sometimes. It's a shame, clowns are beautiful fish, and have great personality. A bit too much in some cases, as you found out. He thought he was so tuff he'd swim around on the floor :)
But seriously, sorry to hear of your loss...Atleast you hadn't got attached to him yet. My friend still has my old Percs, sold them with my last tank, and I still have to visit every couple weeks to see them. I love clowns, and I hate to see any of them in trouble, or any other fish for that matter.
I've made it a practice to cover my net with one hand when i'm introducing a fish. I've almost had several fish jump out before, including a Blonde Naso I was helping a friend acclimate, now that would have been fun. They seem to freak out with no water in the net(as any fish would).
I don't know if you've had a Clown before, but they are really nice fish to have, I hope you take a second chance with another. Introduce 2 at once if you can, once they get used to each other(and one becomes female) they'll act like best friends in the tank. They will follow each other around, sleep together, eat together, possibly mate together, atleast most of them will. They also know when feeding time is, and will even eat from your hand if they like you. :) Mine would even playfully nip at my finger if i stuck it in the water.
I can't say the above is true for all Clowns, but I've found it to be true with the True/False Percula varieties.
Anyway, good luck, and I hope you get the chance to enjoy these fish again.

salty rick

:( :( My condolences to your loss:( :( As Bill Clinton would say "I feel your pain".
I have had at least five fish over the years to commit suicide. I hate to put a top on my aquarium because of the maintenance to clean it so there is no degridation of the light. I guess maintenance would be a small price to pay compared to the cost of a fish.