perdy shure it's a no go but ask n e way..


Active Member
hey guyzz it'sme agin.. i gots a Q for all u guyz out there.. currently i have a 155 bowfront salt water fish tank.. i want to convert it into a fish/reefer... and i know it's possible.. only problem is.. is that the i fishes i have are ruthless!!! and i do not what to rid of them for they r mny fav fish ( halequin tusk/emperorangel/sunset wrass) so on to the question.. is it possible to have a fish/reefer w/those fishes living in my tank... ??


Active Member
It's possible, but either you will be limited to what you can keep or you will be taking a large risk.
The Emporer Angel should be fine with most SPS, as well as shrimp and some other invertibrates. However, it may enjoy eating zoanthids and LPS. The Harlequin tusk will eat just about any invertibrate that can move -- however, it should be fine with corals. The wrasse should be fine with most corals, however, no mobile invertibrate will be safe.
So, to answer your question, yes, it is possible. Would I do it? No. It would be too much of a risk. You would also be very limited in what fish you would be able to keep.


Active Member
humm.. thants what i tought.. no beloved fish = no go... i mean .. i knew it already.. i was just looking for n e possible chance of it working out...freeking tusk.. y u gotta love eating janitor and suck soo much!!!! he he... (dats y i like him) ..... but NOOOOOO no coral tank.. ehh guess ill have to help my bro w/his 90 gal reefer then,... :nervous:


Same question.
My tank is a 75g. Currently have;
Blue Koran Angel
Coral Beauty Angel
Blackback Butterfly
Diamond Goby
Sailfin Tang
Red Emporer Snapper (1in)
Horseshoe Crab
Coral Banded Shrimp
2 Blueleg Crab
Chocalate Chip Star
Brittle Star.
Around 40lbs Live Rock
120lbs live sand.
Currently I have no corals or anything other than the fish or inverts.
Any suggestions on what would work. I tink most of those are peaceful except the snapper but he is still tiny.


Some people would say that your tank is way overstoked for anything, but definately for a reef (ie - only a sailfin tang in a 75 gallon, as they will grow pretty big, remove all other fish except the Goby). But I do not know enough about the other fish to offer a good opinion on this.
As for converting it to a reef, (WATCH OUT - completely addictive!) Angels have a bad habit of nipping on soft corals, so those would have to be watched and maybe removed (depending on what you were keeping).
Assuming you have adequate lighting, the main problem you will have is that coral is a lot less tolerant of water chemistry issues than fish. If your water parameters get out of whack, your coral will suffer. With that many fish, your bio-load may be causing water chemistry issues, that may not affect the fish, but will affect the corals. Unfortunately, stocking lists for a reef tank are generally a lot lower than those for a FOWLR tank.
So I would beef up your filtration (more live rock, and a good skimmer if you do not have one), and remove some fish. As for removing the fish, while people always say "I will take them out if they get too big" there are two problems with this:
(i) by the time you realize they are too big, the fish are already completely stressed out, so it is in many ways too late,
(ii) you have a reef tank, with sensitive coral everywhere, that does not like to be touched and/or removal becomes "difficult".


Thanks Smarls,
I realize I am overstocked. Cant say how I will deal with it. I think I will ust hold of on adding any reef stuff and see what the LR gives me.
Also. I had been planning on buying an additional 40-50lbs of LR. That will tighten the tank up though. As for filtration I will take everyones advice here and wait until I get a lot more before touching anything alive in this tank.
Thanks again.


I think that adding the LR would be a good choice. The extra biological filtration will definately help reagrdless of which direction you go.
Also, in the intermim while you are figuring out what direction yout tank is going in, it gives you tons of time to read up on corals, requirements etc.
For what it is worth, I "inherited" my tank from a roomate that moved out and left it. It was FO, with one rock in there...and lots of big messy fish (puffer, SFE, and a trigger), FO lights and a cannister filter. Took a while, but after about six months, I had the beginnings of a reef tank. So while it take some time, and while there are some hard choices to be made (I had to return some of the fish that were in there...actually all of them!) it is by no means impossible to do.
Good luck with whatever you decide, and happy holidays.


Active Member
heh..lucky u.. got almost suckered into the hobby.. but in a good way.. u perdy much had 1/2 da equipment for free.. while like most of us out hea had to buy n build there ouw from the ground up...(my 155 so far cost me over 3k. and it's a salt water fish.. not reefer..) .. i do have about 150lb of lr and base rock.. but n e wayz.. i kinda suck that i cant have my fish and a reef all in 1 tank... reefss look kool but not active enought whenb compared to fish swimming.. but the COLORS!!!! wow r nice in a reef.. so i was just trying to put both worlds together..
thx for the seponse but ill do more research to c what i can do...