Perfect dark anemonee post

Lighting is t-5 individual reflectors 156 watts (my tank as many sps and no problems)
Tank is 40 gallon reef it has been running for 2 1/2 years (only one issue of hairalgea break out when upgrading lights)
Rbta= going on 4 weeks
LTA or Condi (dont know
)= brandnew
ph= 8.2-8.4 (varies)
Salinity- 1.025 (roughly hydrometer
Temp= 78-80
Alk= 3
Calc= 480
Nitrate= 6
Nitrite/amonnia = 0
I dont have any strongtium or idodine test kit sorry
(pics are at night so not too good)

i just need help with nuturing this anemonee back to health


Active Member
Just going on what I can see, your anemone doesnt appear to be that bleached. Unless your aquarium glass is covered in brown algae, there are far worse cases than yours.
When you say brand new to your tank I am assuming with in a day or so. If thats the case its not uncommon for it to not look so good. It will take some time for it to aclimate to its new surroundings and your tank. I wouldnt try to feed it right away. Your lighting is sufficient for it, and I would just let it be so it can get comfortable. In a few days to a week try to offer it some food, small pieces of mysis, chopped clam, shrimp, krill or silversides. I stress chopped and not large pieces at all. Anemones expend a lot of energy eating and if the meal is very large the benifit they get from it is lost in the energy used to consume and digest it. HTH and if you can get a better pic that would be great. Good Luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aqua_Scaping
it refuses to eat and its been 2 hours and no inflation its whiter then you think.
How new is it to your tank? Not being inflated isnt necessarily a bad sign. However of it went for days without inflating then yes there could be issues. Dont worry about it eating, pushing food into it right now maybe stressing it more than it already is.