Perplexing Mystery?


Active Member
did you test that water from the tank and from the boxed saltwater? seems like it would only get that high if you just kept adding saltwater as a top off, i really dont think theyd sell boxed sea water thats so incredibly high in salinity and would kill your livestock
i would invest in a 40 dollar refractometer from online and stop using the swingarms


I always topped off with Saltwater. I guess that is wrong.
The dottyback can be aggressive when something goes into his home. However I never see him attack unless provoked.
My most recent death was a lawnmower about two weeks ago? Hmmm.
I didn't know you could get a refract that cheap? Do you have a namebrand that I could search for that price?
Should I do another r/o waterchange or let it sit until i get the refract?


Active Member
you should only top off with fresh water. water evaps, but the salt dosnt. ro is best, but distilled from the grocerystore is better then tap.
Portable Refractometer I just saw one on sale for 41.99.


Active Member
The problem is definitely topping off with saltwater...not necessarily the boxed water itself.


I did a quick skim of this but 1 thing caught my attention.
### this used to be an aggressive tank... did you use copper?###
If so, did you remove everything (especially the water) when you converted from Fish tank to Reef. As you may know Copper is poison to inverts and many algeas.
Copper can also be absorbed and then slowly leach back into a system. Have you tested or had the LFS test for copper?


Active Member
I think salinity is the big issue.
Glib, when water evaporates from your tank it leaves the salt behind. So, by adding saltwater to your evaporation you were slowly adding more salt and less water. This undoubtedly was a huge issue.
The copper comment was also a good point.
How are you testing for pH? That is also high.
The aquarium is in the basement? Any furnaces, paint fumes, etc. also there?


Again thanks for the brainstorming help.
I never used copper in my aggressive tank. I had the aggressive for about 18 months prior to realizing that I couldn't keep much in a 65 (10 g ref). I haven't got it tested for copper, but I will.
I'm definately going to continue to do water changes weekly to get the salinity back to healthy.
The basement does have a furnace but it is in another "room" in the basment. it is about 15 feet away and seperated by a door.