Perucla clown new mate Questions.


I posted before after i toom my naso back my clown needed a new buddy. At the store i found these baby clown. I originally bought it for my 20L after it was done the cycle i was gonna transfer him. NOw for my 60 gallon i wanted to get my clown a new buddy another clown. They seem to be doing fine and sleeping togehter. I did want to get the clown a very similar size in the begining. Heres the question. Will my big clown treat the little clown as kind of like a a parent and a child. Or will they be like boyfreind and girlfreind. The smaller percula is only a baby. I would like to get a little bit bigger of a clown for my 60 gallon. ANd move the smaller one 2 the 20L which he has alot of swimming room in there. OR will i upset my clown again after i returned the naso. I really did upset him. Funny thing when i had the naso they slept togehter kinda midrange tank. WHen he was gone the clown layed behind a rock. NOw him and the clown cuddle top level and looks real happy. But my origanal plan was to get one close in size which im sure thats what everybody goes for.

bang guy

Getting one close in size would probably be a big mistake. The Clown you've had for a while is probably a female and and other Clown close in size could be too. Two females usually fight until one is gone.
Your new clown is probablt ungendered but will probably turn into a male fairly soon. At that point you will see some strange behavior from it and the female might pick on it occationally. This is normal.
I would suggest keeping things the way they are now.


THanks bang guy. I have been watchin them for a little its pretty cool. Its like child follows parent. I wonder if the bigger clown will help feed the little one. When i bought him from a store i never go to. He was not real orange but there lights sucked and so did there water prob. I asked if they had RO and they said no. SO what the heck do they do water changes with tap water. Anyway he looks sooooo much better color and all. He stays pretty close to the bigger one ill post pics soon.