Pet co ??


Active Member
They don't care for their pets well at all. There are several groups and/or movements against them due to their practices.
That carries over into saltwater fish as well. They do not care for them properly, and the more that is bought from them, the more they are supported to continue their practices.


Active Member
everytime I have seen their SWF area it all I can stomach.. Dead fish, diseased fish, sickening. They will also sell any fish to almost anyone that has $$$ regardless of tank, supplies etc.


ok. I bought my tang from them and he is doing great. hmmm ok well I can understand that. I dont care to suppost those that dont care for their animals either.

jen p

The problem with ***** is that most of the tanks are all hooked up to one big filter that goes through all of the tanks. Therefore the diseases are spread throughout. Also, when I went up there because Yellow Tangs were on sale for like $12 they were all had ich really bad. When I told the lady in charge of the department that they were sick and maybe she should quarantine them(and I wasn't even being hostile) she shot me a look that could have melted me. I then asked her if she was selling them like that and she said yes. I walked right out of there and vowed to never so much as buy a goldfish there again.


I've ran into some good knowledgable people at the local ***** but they can't do much to change the equipment or corporate culture. I've heard employees at the local store suggest alternatives and discourage people regarding purchases on several ocassions. They will also try to find out about your tank etc. I rarely buy livestock there but will buy some supplies.
My .02
Death Co. is a JOKE !! Here the salt water section is now only 6 tanks, due to the fact that no one was buying salt water fish from them. The tangs they get in almost all of them have lateral line along with ich. My biggest problem with death co. is there reptiles. They have people selling them that have no clue on how to care for them. I work at a local pet store, I am the reptile manager, it is truly annoying to have people come in asking why there snake is not eating or why the animal does not look good. I have heard everything from : They told me I could keep my leopard gekos at 75 degrees. OR my personal favorite(I was there to spoil the sale for this one) "Ya, once it get use to you, you can handle this spider". It was an usumbra baboon tarantula, one of the truly nasty ones. I said " Ya you can hold it alright ... With it's fangs in your hand !!" The Guy and the little boy left the store when I told them just how aggressive they can really be.
I also saw a goffin cockatoo in with an adult blue front amazon, the amazon was just beating and biting the goffin to death. When I finally got someone and told them what was going on they didn't even seem to care and said it was not his department. I lit into him with a passion. LOL That is when I got banned from the store. :D No loss on my part.
Pet Co. in general is looking to make money, without having to spend a lot of it on employee’s who are experienced with the animals. They stick them in places selling reptiles and saltwater that have no clue except for a couple of little tests and reading materal the store gives them so they can sell them better. They need to get the heads out of the { BEEP } and work on animal care, instead of trying to open that new store on the other side of town.
Just my opinion of them.
I am sure there is a ***** somewhere that has staff that actually knows what they are talking about...(but I haven't found it yet)
As stated above, they are horrible with providing adequate conditions for animals they sell. Seeing a 40 gallon tank with what looks like 500 goldfish in it makes me upset. I've been asked not to return to my local Pet co since I am very vocal to them when I see the treatment of animals there.
But don't take my word for it....PETA has filed a petition against Pet co for these exact reasons. Headed up by Kim Basinger they have formally filed a protest and are urging Pet co to take actions. If you want to read more about it, visit
WARNING: The content of that site may seriously disturb you.
Sorry about the spam, just passing information.
LOL....good stuff man. They have the same reptile and bird problems here as well. The main guy at the fish department looks like a reject from Revenge of the Nerds. The last time I was "allowed" in there...I approached him with the problem I saw with a dying Foxface that I saw. He stated he knkew about it and that he would take care of it. I waited to see what he would do and he then went back to convince a mother and her son that the Mandarin goby he liked was a good starter fish, he had a phone call and excused I moved in :p
Mother said they had a old 20g tank that they used it for goldfish and now wanted to convert to salt and add a fish. They had a box of Instant Ocean in her arm, a new heater and that was IT. Her plan (by advice from the salesman) was to mix the salt, toss it in the tank, add the heater and toss a Mandarin in it. I talked her out of it and explained what needed to be done to get her tank cycled to have fish.....they both left the store without buying anything. When the salesman came back he asked me if I needed help ?????????????????. I said "no, are you going to look to that Foxface?" He got really annoyed with me and gave me a glance like I was some form of parasitic outbreak and walked away. He walked over to a girl who worked with him and he started telling her something and lauging....I lost it at this point. I went over to him and told him to look to that fish....he stood looking at me with puzzlement as to what was I going to do next. I am 6'2" 230# man and the thoughts going through my head forced me to maintain control and walk away. I felt terrible for that fish and he no doubtedly died due to the ignorance of this guy.
Any large chain store, such as ***** is going to have less care and quality due to that they rake in large revenues and there are many of them. While the smaller stores, are going to have a better quality just b/c if they don't, they go bankrupt. So basically to sum it up, chain stores=less quality; small stores=more quality in work. This equation is not always correct as sometimes employees from smaller stores lack quality while chain stores have people with experience operating the business. In the end, it all comes down on how a store wants to be remembered as, either as a large corporate giant with cheap prices so that more people can buy from them or as a small specialized store with knowlegable staff and healthy livestock that wants quality over quantity and so their prices are higher.
Just thought I would add my opinion on this matter.:)


Just so you know..not only can they not properly care for fish, but since I already knew that, I would only go there to get my 5 lb dog groomed & only because there is a window that you can see the grooming area.
Well, last month I went in and dropped her off to an already irritated groomer who had just hung up on a spanish speaking customer on the phone(even though I offered to translate).To make a long story short, she thought I had left and didn't realize I had gone back in the store to see if they had any carbon(which of course, they didn't)..I went to look through the grooming window to find her w/my already "bathed" dog after less than 5 min.'s yank open the kennel door w/such force that it swung back to hit my dog's left side of her face.At this point the
frustrated..witch..threw my dog in so hard she hit the back of the kennel.. only to turn around and see me staring at her.
She turned quite pale & I sent my partner in to get my dog wet & all.Since then, corporate has refunded my grooming fees and for the last 3 weeks have been swearing that a store credit is in the mail(yeah right, I'm in the same country, it shoulda been here by now)
My dog can't defend herself but I can and I'm so sick of them blowing me off!If anyone has any thought on how to hit them where it hurts I'd appreciate them.It's not about the $$.My once overy friendly dog now cowers in between my legs when someone comes up to say "oh, how cute"Vet says it may take awhile or maybe permanent. :mad:


While Peta can tend to overboard I greatly appreciate your help..I'll go through any means to stop this bs from happening to someone else's pet.
My dog is so loved that she's named Barbie and has a "full Wardrobe",gets home-made healthy meals, and has never even been yelled at(& no I don't bathe w/her like in their dumb commercial).As a result she's loving,trusting,obedient, & this dumb girl who hates her job changes that:mad: :mad: :mad:She's still loyal and obedient to me, but she's so afraid of others..even my close friends she knew before.
I apologize, my intent was not to hijack this post about dog issues..just my input
about ***** aka PetNO, true!
Sorry..I'm just still very upset.Thank you again.;)
Being upset only shows your affection for your pet. I think I would probably lose it if I saw a store employee mistreat my dog (Siberian Husky). Look at the positive side of least you saw what happened and can prevent it from happening there again. Would be alot worse (for your doggie) if you had not seen it and continued bringing your pet to them and have it happen again.
Your dog probably suffered a little bit of trauma considering she was not used to being treated like that. She might have associated strangers with fear and thus causing her to be timid around new people or even ones she may have seen before but never built a trust with. Hopefully in time she will return to the trusting dog she once was. Give her lots of love and affection and I have no doubt she will erase the bad memory :)


Thank you..I've sent a longwinded letter to ***** as well a a request for help to pet-no.Your help has been invaluable.
Tomorrow a trip to the doggie park and then a stop at Mc dee's (not for me).Thanks for your support!


Active Member
Because people post without knowing firsthand...or they read somewhere that ***** is bad...blah blah...
Some even bash *****'s fish department and then turn around and buy other things at the place...
If you have a *****..and they sell stuff that you like...then buy the stuff that you like...***** is a business to make money...they generate revenue with the lowest possible overhead they can manage...just like any store...
Watch what you buy and take required precautions if you do purchase from them...
The worse fish (health condition) I have ever purchased was from 2 online venders...


I bought my first SW tank from ***** in early Feb. I didn't really know what I needed so I decided to by 29 Gal Eclipse 3 setup. Its the kind of thing that your just supposed to add water and fish and your on your way. Like dunce I say" so this kit includes everything I need right?". Response "all you need is substrate.". So I walked out with my crushed coral and Eclipse kit a happy man.
So then I did some reasearch. I read sveral books and got a hold of a knowledgable LFS. As I came to find out other than the AGA tank that came with the kit everything was inadequate. No skimmer, Poor lights, bad filtration. I was not told about cycling a tank, ls or lr. Its just not a good place for novices and a real thorn in the side of those who really try to minimize the loss of life that is inherant in this hobby. If the ***** employees were a little less ambivalent about their livestock and the people who buy them it probably wouldn't be such a issue.


Active Member
Hmmm...I have an eclipse and I love it - very easy to maintain. It does have limitations, particularily the lighting, as you metioned.
Katara - that's a darn cute dog :)
Animal neglect and abuse is my biggest peeve. There is simply no excuse for it! My family thinks I am more compassionate to animals than people. They are RIGHT! My husband figures if I ever saw a deer and a man in the road and I had to choose, I would hit the man. :D And then get sued. :rolleyes:


Active Member
This by no means either demonstrates my dislike or like of *****... wasn't their responsibility to advise or otherwise inform or educate you...that is your sole responsibility...the salesperson probably couldnt even understand the fish in tank idea prior to working there...that person probably just needed a job and that is where they got it...the entire research issue falls solely upon you....same with the LFS...they are there to make money..nothing more, nothing less...if they were completely honest in the dealings with people...they probably wouldnt make to much is make money and continue on...or you lose money and sell out...
If you hit the man versus the deer...I think getting sued would be the easier of the problems you could face...