Pet Peeve


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround http:///forum/post/2524087
repeat threads...

First off, I wasn't starting a thread to get everyone's pet peeve but just to announce my peeve about seeing mandating commercials on DVDs I own, but I like where this went.
Secondly, if my intent was to list everyone's pet peeve, this thread is started every 8 months by runarounds quote so its not being posted every week to be annoying like runaround implies.
Thirdly, my new pet peeve is runaround in half of the above mentioned threads stating that this thread as been started before.


Active Member
I hate it when my barber talks to me but when he does he stops cutting my hair.
I hate it when my dentist asks me questions while in my mouth. I really think he does it on purpose.
I hate it when I'm a passanger in a car and the person driving feels the need to look at me while talking. I appreciate the eye contact but look at the road please.
I hate when people don't use their turn signals.
I hate when people with new cars take up 2 parking spaces at the grocery store. I actually look for it and park close.
I hate it when I blow out my flip flop.
I hate when restaurants try to serve me fish that is not the fish I ordered.
I hate on-looker delays.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SigmaChris
First off, I wasn't starting a thread to get everyone's pet peeve but just to announce my peeve about seeing mandating commercials on DVDs I own, but I like where this went.
Secondly, if my intent was to list everyone's pet peeve, this thread is started every 8 months by runarounds quote so its not being posted every week to be annoying like runaround implies.
Thirdly, my new pet peeve is runaround in half of the above mentioned threads stating that this thread as been started before.

So Ruarond is a pet peeve of yours ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by SigmaChris
First off, I wasn't starting a thread to get everyone's pet peeve but just to announce my peeve about seeing mandating commercials on DVDs I own, but I like where this went.
Secondly, if my intent was to list everyone's pet peeve, this thread is started every 8 months by runarounds quote so its not being posted every week to be annoying like runaround implies.
Thirdly, my new pet peeve is runaround in half of the above mentioned threads stating that this thread as been started before.
does someone need a hug??? or a tissue???

and its not ruNaround either...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
does someone need a hug??? or a tissue???

Nothing needed...I just thought it was funny you were repeating yourself that this type of thread is being repeated. Kind of like the the pot calling the kettle black.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SigmaChris
Nothing needed...I just thought it was funny you were repeating yourself that this type of thread is being repeated. Kind of like the the pot calling the kettle black.
hence the reason for all the laughing smileys...


My worst pet peeve EVER is when someone is in such a big hurry that they pull out in front of you causing you to either slam on your brakes or t-bone them only to then turn(most the time w/out signaling), one block up the street, causing you to THEN either slam on your brakes or rear-end them!! And people wonder why they get "the finger". I'm P.O.ed just thinking about it.


Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
They would have to pull me off the ceiling. I would loose it . My kids know that god himself will not save them if they act up in public . I have no issues with snatching them up by the arm and dragging them in to the bathroom for a come to jesus meeting .
You just won "Father of the Year" in my book.
I don't have any children of my own but the children I do take in public with me (nieces, cousins, friend's kids, etc..) all know that there are "unpleasant consequences" awaiting them for mis-behaving in public and 95% of the time they are all very-well behaved.