Pet Peeves?


Active Member
i hate it when people put an apostrophe after a plural "s."
two As, three fours, six tigers, twelve girls, one hundred and fifty two flowers.
two A's = it BELONGS to the two As. AN APOSTROPHE CONNOTES OWNERSHIP!!! AUGH!!!!!!!!

ok. I'm better now.


Originally Posted by Mimzy
i hate it when people put an apostrophe after a plural "s."
two As, three fours, six tigers, twelve girls, one hundred and fifty two flowers.
two A's = it BELONGS to the two As. AN APOSTROPHE CONNOTES OWNERSHIP!!! AUGH!!!!!!!!

ok. I'm better now.

For some reason big grammatical mistakes don't bother me, but small ones' do. Like when someone overuses commas or writes everything in lower case, I don't care. However, when someone uses "its" when it is supposed to be "it's," I lose sleep.
Catch that apostrophy?


Active Member
Got a pet peeve.
People who make a big deal over grammar, spelling, using CAPITAL LETTERS to yell at me or feel they are better then someone else.


Originally Posted by sharkbait9
Got a pet peeve.
People who make a big deal over grammar, spelling, using CAPITAL LETTERS to yell at me or feel they are better then someone else.
The only time grammar is truely important is for business, school, and formal occasions. Other than that I agree that it isn't really necessary. It still gets on my nerves, but I don't have to yell at people about spelling a word wrong to feel good about myself.


My peeve is when your at say a public event and your just sitting there and someone starts talking to you about there medical problems.
That drives me NUTs i may sound cold but i don't care...


When people use your instead of you're and vice versa.
Chewing with your mouth open.
When someone tells you a story they've told you 10 times before.
People who type LIkE tHiS


People with the "Lost your job yet? Keep Buying Foreign" stickers on their car.
tony kornhole - get this idiot off of MNF already!


Active Member
I have many....2 of my least favorites
People whom seem to think their cigerette butts are not litter

People whom tell people "smile"


New Member
People that eat crunchy food in front of me and then look at me as I am giving them the evil eye and say "what's wrong?"


I'm surprised nobody has said this one yet. I hate that one guy that sits in the movie theater and makes stupid comments the whole time and is really loud. Also the tall guy that decides to sit in front of a small child. Dirtbags. I used to be incredibly short and this always bugged me.


Originally Posted by weiser5150
People that eat crunchy food in front of me and then look at me as I am giving them the evil eye and say "what's wrong?"
God, I can't even go to the movies anymore. I'm so short I can never see anything, and either I get seats by annoying old whispering ladies, crying babies, disruptive teens who throw candy, or people who make out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Keebler
I'm surprised nobody has said this one yet. I hate that one guy that sits in the movie theater and makes stupid comments the whole time and is really loud. Also the tall guy that decides to sit in front of a small child. Dirtbags. I used to be incredibly short and this always bugged me.
Oh nice so i'm a dirtybag to you??????????????


Active Member
Originally Posted by Keebler
THAT WAS YOU!!! I've been looking for you you dirtbag! lol, jk.
you know could have just left it at dumping your soda over my head but adding insult to injury........ thats just wrong.


Active Member
people who want both sides of the coin to be up.
one minute they want it one way then the next the other, they want both answer to a one answer problem. they want yes and no to a yes OR no question. this tickes me off faster than just about anything else.