Pet snakes/bites


Well besides my fish tank I also have a California kingsnake and today was the first time he bit me. I guess he must have been hungry but he is still only about 1.5 feet long so he just latched onto my pinky finger. My question is how the heck do you get them off? I sat there for a while tryinig to figure out what to do then I finally remembered that snakes are cold blooded. I had a hold of his tail and back end with my right hand with him latched onto my left hand pinky finger. I opened the freezer and stuck my left hand into the freezer and eventually after him trying one last efort to eat my finger he let go. So the question to those of us that also have snakes how do you get a snake to let go when it bites you?
Heres a pic of the aftermath.


Active Member
i too worked at kohl's, as mens dh, kids dh, customer serv & o7 dh , shoes dh, and then i realized w/o a bigger degree i'm going to be a dh forever. i loved it when we opened one of those folding box-crate cardboard shipping thingamajiggers and a snake bit the fawk out of my manager. i was laughing so hard i almost took disability after rolling on the concrete receiving floor. biat ch deserved every bit of it. i no longer work for that shizhole.


If they wont let go u can give em a lil dab of vinegar in the mouth or a lil bit of hand sanitizer. That always does the trick from 1.5 foot - 13 footers they hate the taste. Also next time try not to look so tasty and it wont try to eat u!