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most angels imo will kill zoos... but that is not the main concern... Regals are one of the hardest fish to keep long term... and i do mean hard... the first test you should do before even considering to buy it is ask the LFS to feed it... if it eats.. then you can think to consider buying it.. if not.. dont do it.. feeding the regal is the hardest thingto do.. most times they starve to death.. ( not to bash but this is for those that say " i had a regal for a while.. 6 months and he was fine" ) it can take that long for it to strarve and die... that is the best i can tell you.. go read up on them... they are hard to care for...
(i have read plenty about them but im still not confident about keeping one... even it it eats.. and i kept fish for a while now... including emp angel, tusk,lunar,yellow tank, owder blue, power brown, file fish to name a few... )
but if you do decide to get it.. Good luck...
I did have them feed the fish. It's eating like a pig. However, I am afraid of it tearing through my leathers. I hate to say it, but, I think I'll pass.

That's the one of the VERY FEW things I hate about reef keeping. No angels! But, I'd give up angels in a tank any day for a tank with corals.