Pet Store Manners.


:mad: How many of you either have been into a store or have one near you that everytime you walk in you cant help but be disgusted in the way it looks and the way that they treat and have all of thier animals. All animals included not just fish. Fish are my favorite but every animal deserves the best. If I had enough money I would buy the pet store here and fire everyone and turn it all around 200 percent. Any questions or comments feel free. I just need a place to vent my anger on this store obviouslly the owner doesnt listen.


Active Member
I Know what you mean and there have been a million threads like this before but when I went to ***** while I was back in Alaska for vacation the conditions were horrible. I was just curious if they even had saltwater there and there were dead fish everywhere in the saltwater tanks, the display tank they had of fish they weren't planning on selling was overstocked with fish that deserved a bigger/longer tank. I saw so many things that were wrong w/it. If a store doesn't have someone who knows about saltwater tanks they shouldn't have those kind of fish. It was disgusting and it pissed me off so I just left.
I see the same things happening w/other animals, but I notice it most w/saltwater fish because there are so many obvious rules that they don't follow sometimes.
I do have to say though that my lfs in seattle does a great job, they give bad advice but they treat their fish well.


One of the lfs I used to go to was packed full of junk and no sooner u moved u bumbed into something. There reptiles were housed badly "would u put a 3' green igauana ""spelling"" in a 20gal" and there were some dead one that was in the cage for 4 days. There tanks were horrible there were fish in there so long they had some kind of web around them. This can go on :mad:


Originally Posted by Ramsey
One of the lfs I used to go to was packed full of junk and no sooner u moved u bumbed into something. There reptiles were housed badly "would u put a 3' green igauana ""spelling"" in a 20gal" and there were some dead one that was in the cage for 4 days. There tanks were horrible there were fish in there so long they had some kind of web around them. This can go on :mad:
Wow, that is bad!!! The only stores around me that are bad are the chain stores. And one other one. I walked in, there was CRUST all over the tanks, the water was foggy and the glass was dirty. I walked right back out.


If you want me to get into details about the store in my area your going to be furious. Close to three years ago now they had a different location but one of the owners wasnt doing good business I dont know if it was making bad decisions moneywise or not but he had a pretty sweet store. Anyways one night the SOB decides he wants to collect the insurance money so he burns it down. Never getting a single animal out first :mad: All dead! Then one of his relatives opens up another store and that is the one running now. I go in there about every other day just to check up on this place and see if there is anything i can help this guy with to try to make things right. Heres a list of what I have saw in the past year.
Three Water Dragons along with 2 Geckos in a 20 gallon long tank, did I forget to mention that the Geckos were in the water dish dead for about a week before he took them out.
He bought a 125 and within two days of having it he had a ray and an octopus occupying it. I told him the dangers of this and with in a couple hours the ignorant guy claimed two more deaths to his total.
He started dabbling with salt water for awhile and after reading all the good comments on this site and books along with other sources of information I feel like I could give some halfway descent advise. Anyways this is all in a 20 gallon tank with a week of settign it up.
Two Carpet Anenomes (under a 20 watt)
Koran Angle (juvenile)
Three cleaner shrimp
Three Maroons Clowns (about 3 in.)
Yellow Tang ( doesnt even matter the size)
As for fresh water fish just pictures this. Tanks upon tanks of green walls rotting away dead fish at the surface and fish that shouldnt be in that size tank alone let alone with 10 other ones.
There is way more that I could go on about but this is making me mad enough right now. I tried to talk to the guy and give him a few pointers on cycling a tank and being patient but the guy just shrugs it off like he knows what hes doing. I have even offered my help free of charge to do things around the shop, no such luck. I dont mean to thrash or say mean things about people but I needed somewhere where I could vent about this place and discuss some other shops like this. If I had enough money I would open place right next to his and shut his down.


Active Member
It sounds like this guys priorities are misplaced. If what you said is true he sounds like he has no passion for the hobby and owns the store purely for financial gain, (and not very good at that either). These are the worst run shops.
You have to appeal to his traits in order to get through to him. Because hes greedy maybe you could offer to buy the shop from him. Make subtle points about the tremendous ammount of work it must be run a shop like this and how much you would be doing him a favor by taking this pet cemetary off his hands. Do this slowly over time or he will catch on to what you are trying to do. Eventually it will become a money pit for him and he will be begging to get rid of it. Thats where you come in.