Originally Posted by crzyfshygy
There needs to be a "new age" in SWF purchases. I hate to say it but it needs to happen. These LFS need to work this out with there vendors. They would see more business that way. :
This thread is great. All the drama you need to make life interesting. I have to ask about this though, what do you mean by 'new age'? and how would LFS work this out with vendors?
Places like ***** and Pet Smart have this ability, they place ALL the liability for faulty products on the vendor. It is the only way the agree with contracts on what they will carry/what they wont. LFS don't have this ability. LFS go through middlemen that house goods and distribute them, they have far less control on the quality of the products they offer, all the more reason to shop at places with a discerning taste (and no dead corals or fish with ICH).
With Fish it is all on YOU. Its the difference between a durable good, and livestock, you can't hold the store liable even if the no warranty policy was not posted, because it is a consumer's responsibility to be warry, espcially when it comes to saltwater fish. Maybe it was a bad store, excersize your right and dont buy there.