PETA at it again



Oi vay, not again...Why do these people always have to have something up there butts?
When we start making soilent green I say we start with the these guys.


So I guess that means that they want humans to stop catching and eating fish, but what about all the wildlife that catch and eat fish? Are they going to make them stop too? Dont these people realize that its called the food chain for a reason? Its the way God created the earth! A revolving circle!! Maybe I understand not killing deer or something for the fun of it, but I do understand it when people kill it and eat it, thats natural. But fish???? These people have too much time on their hands. They need real jobs, how about helping the homeless or the starving people all over the country?



And dont forget about the earthworms used for bait! They have feelings too, lmao.



Originally posted by Thomas712
Oi vay, not again...Why do these people always have to have something up there butts?
When we start making soilent green I say we start with the these guys.

its people..... ITS PEOPLE!!!!!!


Active Member
and what about the FISH that eat fish ???? :confused: :notsure:
What do these people do? Where does their money come from? I am sure they don't have coporate sponsers. I agree with Nikko, they could use their time better by helping the less fortunate!!


quote from ad..."are intelligent, sensitive animals no more deserving of being eaten than a pet dog or cat"
I hear dog is pretty good too though. Never tried it, don't think I would but cow, chicken,'s all the same.


If I were hungry enough I'd cook and eat these snot nosed pea-brained Peta people too!!!
just kiddin....maybe...
I wonder if these PETA would think it cruel for half the worlds population that depend on seafood to sustain were to starve to death.....hmmmmmm
food for though


Didn't some guy marry a head of cabbage a while back?? I wonder if he had life insurance on his wife. LOL


Active Member
PETA's main office is in norfolk, VA; right up the street from my house. every year one of the local radio stations has a fishing contest, it's a pretty big event, and the whole thing takes place right in front of the PETA building on the water :D hell, that's probably part of the reason they're making a big deal about fish now :D


YEAH!! Like McDonalds hamburgers & nuggets!!! lol
No, I am kidding. They are implying that we eat animals that have not been subject for controversy yet like kangaroos and pandas. Maybe an iguana for desert.


They are implying that we eat animals that have not been subject for controversy yet like kangaroos and pandas. Maybe an iguana for desert.
Now thats funny!


All of this is pretty funny, many of them think that we shouldn't even have pets that all animals should be in the wild. Which is actually quite funny, I can imagine taking my little dog to the wilds and setting him free, he would just look at me like"wheres my dinner"


Are you serious!! I mean really,:rolleyes:
I think they just scream simply for the attention. It's a self gratifying thing, has nothing to do with actual animals!! If we all let our animals go can you imagine the chaos?? Then they'd say we were being cruel running them over and such. I love animals, but some are simply harvested for food. They would have never gotten a life if it weren't for the fact that somebody bred the parents for an off spring to be eaten. Yeah, and I like veal too!!! That'll bring out some controversy!!!


I understand what you mean tizzo, they can be just a little over kill sometimes. Another interesting fact is that many animals die each year from the harvesting of veggies, grains(like their greatly loved tofu:nope: ) the large machines used to harvest them does that.
I remember reading a study actually done to read the nerve sensors in a fishes brain, to see if they could feel. The scientists found that fish don't have the same pain receptors that we do, and don't have the same sesation of pain, now its not to say that they can't feel but just not like we do, or our dogs or cats for that matter.