PFO Solaris LED Lighting Fixtures


Active Member
There is a customer gallery of pictures on the OEM website.
LED will be the next choice, I just think they are way too high priced and LEDs will be improved even more over time and development.
Not that this is valid comparision, I have Mag light and LED light. They are the same length (two AAs), the LED head is a little larger in diameter. The LED light makes the mag light look like a candle.


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
i still dont see how these led's can put out the same kind of light as an mh bulb.
two totally different means of construction.
will corals react differently to these? of course- corals act differently with pc's or mh's.
but to say these are just like mh's, to me, is poop.
No way dude. LEDs are far superior to metal halide.
It would take a 70 watt metal halide lit to make you want to look away, but a 3 watt LED bulb will blind you!
The power they have is incredible.


I would like to see it work some day.. But for right now.. I don't think no body is going to buy it... The 72" is like $3200... WOW. I can't wait for them to come down on that and I would like to see if there is anything wrong with them...


Active Member
Yeah no kidding... $3200 is a lot of jack.
I hope I can find an LFS that has one on a display tank somewhere.


Active Member
Wasnt there someone on here about a month or so ago talking about how Solaris has had to send like 3 other units because they kept crapping out...or maybe they sent 4 after the 1st crashed...yeah..Great Lights...

al mc

Active Member
Yes, In that thread the person was happy with customer service but he had become quite good friends with them as he had to send his unit back for repair 3-4 times.
I had started a thread asking about them about 2-3 months ago and got one rep-ly from someone who worked at a LFS where they had one on a DT at the store. Seemed to like it in the limited time they had it.
In theory these things sound great and should perform well. There is no way they will not come down with competition.


Active Member
As mentioned earlier if the Chineese can get in on this the price will go down due to cheaper labor costs. Street lights are LEDs now and considering the energy and heat savings from LEDs I think its just a matter of time before a bigger market emerges.