PH @ 8.8 Will this kill?


my inverts?
all other levels are at zero - this is for a QT for my inverts.
salinity 1.022
temp 79
I do have another thread on this with one one response. Iam sorry to double post, I just need to get this questions answered. Quickly as I am in the middle of moving eveything around.


Staff member
Do you trust your readings (test kit) to be accurate? You should go ahead and do daily water changes until the pH is down to within reasonable parameters. Why is it so high?
Yes, any readings that are not normal can effect marine animals and kill them.


this is in a brand new tank that I set up for QT for my inverts. Now sure why it is so high - I have ick in my big tank and the fish are too big for the QT. I need to use copper b/c nothing else is working.
How can I lower the PH? Should I take water from the show tank? I worry that I will then put ick into my QT.


Originally Posted by otfurball
regarding the fish burning comment, This is for inverts not fish.
Got it. Sorry....


no problem, I am just frustrated. I have not had issues at all in over 2 years. then ich rears its ugly head and I am in a bad way.
If anyone out there is a therapist for neurotic fishkeepers - give me a shout


First, do NOT put copper into your DT. The inverts won't be able to go in there if you do. Maybe I read this wrong but that seemed like what you were planning to do. Second why would your new qt for inverts have that high of a ph? Are you using the same source water and salt mx that you use for your dt? What are the readngs in your dt? What is different about the qt? Something isn't adding up. Please clarify the situation.