ph & Alkalinity


I know that ph can swing during the day, but how about Alkalinity?
It seems I've dropped from 3.0 (8.4dkh) to 2.0 (5.6dkh) in abouta month ( I tested this morning before lights came on). The ph seems stable and the Ca has dropped from 600 to 560 in the same month. I know this is high anyway - I assume it was a result of the 120 lbs of aragonite I put in the tank (the tank is only about 3 months old).
Beside weekly water changes (about 2 gal), good filtration (see below) and the addition of baking soda in the water changes, what else can I do to maintain the Alkalinity? is this rate of decrease normal?


i'm no expert but your alk could be low because of such a high calcium level, ph,alk,and cal all control each other. when one is to high it causes the other to drop. do a search on alk cal and ph broomer5 has a good thread on it, or just hope he chimes in good luck.