Sorry, I have been searching and reading ph threads all day and I can't find my answer. My ph meter needed batteries so I haven't been testing it lately. I started testing my kh and ca and I was adding superbuffer from Kent to raise my kh and I got it up to where I wanted it, about 8.8. So then I started adding Calcium, but I can not get it to even show up above 0. I have a Salefert (-1 spelling) test kit. i did get some batteries and now my ph is only 7.5. I don't think these numbers are very good at all. I can't find what to do. I tried taking the water outside to test it for co2, still came out at 7.5 ph. I plan on adding an air stone to my sump to try to get a little more O2 in my tank. Maybe my ca test kit is bad? I don't add magnessium but I do have a test kit for that and I will start to test it and ad it also. Any ideas??