ph computer


New Member
i just got the aqua medic ph computer for my calciumreactor and its showing me im at 6.22 i set it at 6.50 and what do i set the hysteresis button at or i dont have to need help plz


Active Member
The manufacturer recommends setting the hysterisus at .05, that would make the reactor turn on at 6.55 and off at 6.45.


New Member
some time my reactor gets down to 5.89 is that normal and should it be set on high or low seting


Active Member
I don't have this product, I use similar controller but I don't think it is normal for your PH to drop that low the controller should cycle the reactor off.
It should be set to Low for calcium reactor use.
I was a little off on the Hysteresis, if you set it to 6.5 it will turn on at 6.5 and off at 6.45 not sure what I was thinking


New Member
well ty for takeing the time to help i set it at a low and it is still 5.89. temp is at in tank 78.5 f that not a factor with the reactor is it. this thing is so errrrrrrrr i give it 4 days then test


Active Member
Is the CO2 still running when its at 5.89?
To be honest, I'm not sure what you paid for it but when I searched for the documentation I saw that they were listed for $300+ for that much money you would be much better off returning it and investing in an aquarium controller like the Reefkeeper II or Elite. Then at least it would control the reactor plus all of your other equipment also.