PH Control

I use only Fish store bought RO water in both my tanks and I was wondering why I constantly keep adjusting ph. I get it up to 8.2 and within a couple of weeks its at 7.8 and dropping
225 fo
115 fo
uv's on both
pro skimm on both


Active Member
You have to adjust alkalinity. This water parameter is responsible for PH stability. Adjust it to 7-12 dKH or 3.2-4.2 meq/l.
If you don't have a test kit, buy it. You will need it for SW hobby all the way.
Along with PH stability, alkalinity is responsible for other things, but you problem now is PH.
Good luck!
I have a test kit!!!! I keep on adjusting Alalinity but it does not Stay, It drops to acid Quickly
225 FO tank with built-in overflow
60 Gallon wet/dry
Prot Skimmer
40w UV
4 36inch compact lighting
Rio 3100 power head]
little giant external
100lbs live sand
large Lion fish
emperor Angel
Atlantic Stingray
115 FO with wet/dry
Supreme Magnum Power Head
15w uv
Pro Skimmer
Maroon clown
5" French Angel
2" French Angel
3" Queen Angel
3" Blue Angel
2" Rock Beauty
3" Flame Angel


get some ph buffer from your LFS. I had problems with my pH too until I added the buffer. It's been stable ever since.
I'd hate to think that this may not be unusual, but I've read on the instructions for SeaChem Buffer that it may have to be added every few weeks or so to maintain the pH. Maybe the LFS doesn't maintain their ro/di filter?? :confused:


Active Member
I see you have 2 FO setups. Which one has this problem?
What is the alkalinity reading?
Do you see microalgae grows?
How often do you feed your fish?
You have a lot of waste producers. Lack of clean up crew may lead to the problem since indroduced and uneaten detritus will add acids to your system. Also these large fishes produce a lot of CO2 by breathing. CO2 will also lower the PH. Well, good oxigen supply (appropriate skimmer, working 24/7), good water circulation within the system may help to solve that problem, imo.


Try dosing with Kalkwasser in your makeup water, dripping if possible (Mine is added through an automatic top off system in my sump). Once I started using it my PH and calcium stabilized and I haven't had to add any buffer of any kind since. Alk is at 11.8, calcium is always in the 430-460 range when tested and the PH stays at 8.2 in the early am with lights off to 8.35 in the evening with the lights on.
Both tanks have the problem. My PH is now at 8.2 but was in the 7.3 range before Buffer. I Have good water circulation also.


Active Member
Another suggestion for you. Try to measure PH with another test kit. PH 7.3 may kill livestock very fast. I doubt, that fish can survive such a big PH swing. Get another test kit for PH.
BTW, are both tanks connected between em?