pH drop


It is only 2 months old...this is my first tank, I have not tested for Ca or alk, my lfs told me I only needed to test for Ammonia, Nitrit and Nitrate and pH.(This does not surprise me they have dupped me many times in the last 2 months) I just finished cycling. I have Nitrate at 20 and the rest 0.


Active Member
Do you have any livestock in there? I asked if you tested your calcium and alkalinity because those are tied in with ph.


I have a blue damsel, I was about to add more fish but I was waiting to make sure the damsel would live? Do you suggest investing in the ca and alk tests?


Originally Posted by alyssia
Do you have any livestock in there? I asked if you tested your calcium and alkalinity because those are tied in with ph.
Agreed.... also, do you have much water aggitation? Do you use glass tops over the tank? This also can contribute to a falling PH


Active Member
Yes, I would get the Ca and alk tests. I would not add any more fish yet, just see how the Damsel does. IDK why your ph dropped so quickly (but I'm sure someone else can help figure that out) I have had trouble keeping my ph up before and my fish did okay.


Thre is nor glass over my tank...a clear plastic piece where the light goes through. It is a 20 gallon tank and I have a filter and protien skimmer so the water seems to be moving well. The damsel is doing really well and eating good also. Tomorrow I will get the tests for Ca and alk and see if that leads me any where.


Just the stuff to put in the tap water to make it safe for the fish, other than that I have let nature take its course.


Originally Posted by cmbarnes10
Thre is nor glass over my tank...a clear plastic piece where the light goes through. It is a 20 gallon tank and I have a filter and protien skimmer so the water seems to be moving well. The damsel is doing really well and eating good also. Tomorrow I will get the tests for Ca and alk and see if that leads me any where.
Right, doesn't even have to be glass.... you probably have a plastic hood with the light over it right? Although you get good circulation in the tank.. with the hood over top, its preventing O2 exchange. An easy fix if you can't hang your lights... just pop the hinged lids out...
Also, smart idea on getting the Ca and ald tests


hmm.. although tap water isn't great for the tank by any means... i don't think it would effect your ph any differently than RODI water would :notsure:


I have heard a lot about RO water on the forum. What is it? Where do I get it??? I would use it instead of tap...I do not drink the tap water here. I actually get water from a machine that filters it by reverse that the same water I can use for the tank??? I am new to this....


Originally Posted by cmbarnes10
I have heard a lot about RO water on the forum. What is it? Where do I get it??? I would use it instead of tap...I do not drink the tap water here. I actually get water from a machine that filters it by reverse that the same water I can use for the tank??? I am new to this....
Same process, different filters. The marine RO's filter out more than the one in your home would.... plus you could add a de-ironizer as well
All the RO does is filters out impurities in the water, that could be potentially harmful to both you, as well as your fish.


Originally Posted by 120reefer
Right, doesn't even have to be glass.... you probably have a plastic hood with the light over it right? Although you get good circulation in the tank.. with the hood over top, its preventing O2 exchange. An easy fix if you can't hang your lights... just pop the hinged lids out...
Also, smart idea on getting the Ca and ald tests
this may be the answer, I too just set up a tank 2 months ago and have a glass canopy and my lfs tested my ph and it is way low...he suggested getting some ph up and only add a drop, wait a day and retest...they said the fish are very sensetive to ph so add very very slowly. I'm gonna get a test kit today and remove the canopy because my light sits about 3 inches off the top of the tank i'll let u know my results in a day or so