PH drop


hello PH has dropped to 7.8 tested last night a week ago it was 8.3
tank sizes are 46.9" long 16.9" wide and 2ft on dot tall.
i was doing my regular test on tank and noticed PH is 7.8 i then preced to retest just in case i did it wrong.
0.5 drop is a lot in just a week.
tank has been running for 3 weeks fish was added saturday.
only 4 damsels.
i have about 6kg of rock i hadded 2kg about 6 hours ago then whent out.
ill be redoing a test tonight.
but i would like some advice on raiseing PH a natual way.
i herd i was doing right thing buying LR.
but are there any other methods.
also does anyone go to the beach and pick things up to bring to your tank i hear a lot of people bring back shells to buffer p.h and also for hermits.
a friend of mine says he goes and picks up anenomies from the beach rock pools.
if i do how would i go about cleaning the items i pick up?


YOur PH drops that much every night. Were the lights off when you tested?


yes my lights have been of for about a few days as my boy broke the ulb.
luckly he dint cut him self. thank god.
but ishould be getting 2 new bulbs on thursday as the only lfs around for miles that deal with marine and marine equipment.
many lfs's here sell just fish

lucky for me tho i was ordering sum new1s the day he broke them lol for just in case.
but i dint even know hthe ph changed in the night compared to day.
ty for that bit of info ill just give it a check now


Your ph drops at night because the tank has less oxygen in the water, since the plants convert the co2.
How are you aerating your tank??


i just turhn on air pump for 5-10 mins every 5 days.
i thought pumping oxygen in tank to much is bad news?
but if not ill constantly use it also it has an air/water ratio so i can change the air flow at all times.
shall i use air at all times?
thank yo for the fast responses


You should oxygenate your tank at all times, but using an air pump is not how you do it. It would be if it were a freshwater tank, but not with salt.
Hold on, I'll cut/paste more info in a sec so I don't hafta type it all out again


lol ok.
i can also raise my filter up from surface to bring in a bit of air its goig at lightning speed at min so it should pump anuff air in


Here is the whole thread...
But here's the cut part for you...
Your water needs to have a certain amount of oxygen in it for fish or anything else, to live. Those air bubbles will work in a freshwater tank but not salt. Water is absorbed through the surface of the water. If your surface is not moving, then you only have oxygen about 1/2 inch into the water. The first and foremost purpose of your powerheads is to circulate the surface water throughout your tank. So, place one as close to the top as you can without creating a waterfall of course, that will cause ripples and create a larger surface area. The other powerheads will circulate that water throughout the tank.
I am not sure how big your tank is, but if your powerheads are properly placed, then you don't need many for just fish. Don't get me wrong, it won't hurt them to have more than enough, but if they aren't placed right, then they are redundant.


also does anyone know the size of skinmmer for my tank dimensions?
as my other tank was a samall tank so i just got a medium sized one.
as i need to plan months in advance so i can save up the money.


The size of a skimmer??
What are your tank dimensions and what are you planning on keeping in it, and people can recommend a brand or type of skimmer.


well tank dimensions are at top of the post lol.
im not planning on keeping anything large to be honest just stuff like gobies blennys damsels and clownfish and a cleaner wrasse as i think they have the most personality in a fish.
also i would like to keep at least onew of each plant as the years go by but first one must have to be an anenomie.
safe for the clowns ofc lol
mainly tho all plants safe for fish.
by this time next year im hoping to have an electric scolope. i was wowed by them 2 days ago in lfs.
but im not gonna keep many fish and once i move house ill be trying to make my 1st sump.
and i wont use filter to pump oxegen.
i can how ever use my powr head from my previous tank


Originally Posted by dse
well tank dimensions are at top of the post lol.


Me=skimmer, sorry.
Your last post just opened up about 50 cans of worms, so I'm gonna let everybody else comment so as not to hog the thread. As far as skimmers... Hang on, aqua C Remora pro's are my favorite. In sump...well, we won't go there til we know if you have a sump.
Good luck!


kk ty.
hopfully some1can give me a good advice on what i should need on skimmer.
and hopfully som1 will help me on choice of fish what goes with what and what dont as i said beofre on a previouse post only kept clowns and starfish and 2 yelow heads.