PH help please!!!!


New Member
i have about 2 and a half inches of reef sand and #5 crushed coral mix. it has been up for about 2 months now, however i just moved here and had to restart my tank with the same substrate.

nm reef

Active Member
I've had good success maintaining my ph as well as calcium and alkalinity using a combination of seachem products along with a regular dose of is the routine I follow on a 55 reef
seachem advantage&builder.....rotating with approximately 1 gal RODI & 1 tablespoon additive(drip in refugium)
seachem reef buffer.....approximately every 5 days drip 1/2 gal RODI & 1 teaspoon additive
nightly (after lights out) drip 1/2 gal RODI with 1 teaspoon kalkwasser
this routine has maintained ph@8.3 calcium@ 450-500 alkalinity@ 3.5-4.5 meg/l for better than 3 months consistantly
Hope this method helps ya.........folks use different products with equal success....important thing is to establish a routine that gets your chemistry where you need it then maintain those levels consistantly over time......


Sammy brought up the point thatneeds to be raised... What IS your alkalinity? If you properly take care of your alk, your ph will usually stabalize right where it needs to be.
Good Luck!