pH help please


My pH normally runs at about 8.0-8.2, but today I checked it and it was at 7.8?? I have a 55 gallon with an algae blenny, coral beauty, and I just put in 3 perc. clowns about a week ago. (could this be why?) My nitrites and nitrates are all at zero, my phosphate is at 0, and my ammonia is at 0. My salt has been at 1.020 so two nights ago I topped off with salt to raise it some and it is at 1.023-1.024 this may also be the problem. Its been about 3 1/2 weeks since a 20% water change. i figure a water change would probably bring my pH up a bit, but i'd like to know why it went down to be honest? Could any of those things I mentioned be the cause? added 3 fish, topped off with sw, just cleaned both filters and 3 powerheads???? Thank you to all responses in advance.


Active Member
I am prettty new to this hobby so I may be way off the mark here, but if you had a slight increase in ammonia for a day or two from adding three fish at once (which you probably did) that could have dropped your pH. What is your alkilinity? Do you ever test that? Alk will let you know your buffering capacity and IMO is important to test. :)


Active Member
pH is also lower during the day than it is at night. Mine used to be 7.8 during the day and 8.2 at night during my cycle. Now its 8.0 during the day and 8.4 at night. I dunno when you test but u might wanna try and do it the same time everyday.


Active Member
Are you using tap water for water changes and top offs??
The only way adding fish would bring down your PH is if you do not have adequate bio-filtration. Bringing your SG up should have helped the PH, not made it drop. Have you tested the PH of your new salt mix?? What salt are you using??
I would test your alkalinity and calcium then go from there.


Ive read someone saw something about calcium before...what is calcium and pHs relationship? just curious. My flow should be very good I cant imagine needing more. What ways can I airate it? I have some bubbles things on the powerheads but i dont use them I thought they were bad. Ill go test alk see what happens. I dont use tap...I use the glacier water from like walmart, albertsons uses a RO/DI in it. I use that for top off and nutri seawater for changes


I have a KH test and it was 12 and i believe that converts to a alk of 4.5? pretty sure thats about right...


I had the identical issue about 6 weeks ago. I was overfeeding and also I added a powerhead at the top for my ripple movement for more exchange at the top and once I got the feeding and movement, my ph has been excellent, not lower than 8.2 to 8.4 midday/evening.
good luck!!


you were saying new powerhead was a good thing right? because i just directed one of mine to the top now to make it ripple a bit....hope that s a good thing


Active Member
If your alkalinity is 4.5meq/L then that's not the issue. It has to be gas exchange or organics, which I would think gas exchange. Adjusting the powerhead to make the surface water ripple is a great thing!! The surface is where the gas exchange take place (even in FW tanks that use bubblers). Now just make sure you have air movement across the surface of the water. If you have an enclosed top, add some fans for air movement.