pH is low... How Do I fix?



Make sure you test ph in the moring, noon and evening. It tends to swing.
What is your alkalinity at?


your alkalinity is a little low. You can add some buffer, or do a partial water change to help raise your alk and ph.


Yes, the best way to raise it is to spend about $8.00 on a thing of 8.2 buffer at your lfs.


Active Member
Kent Marine Superbuffer DKH would raise the ph to 8.1-8.3 and keep it stable. It will also build onto the alkalinity. It's got exactly what you are looking for.


However keep track of your calcium as well, adding alkalinity buffer can drop the calcium, so test both. Don't try to overdose its the worst thing you can do, raise your alkalinity slowly over several days.


Active Member
I really like the SeaChem Marine Buffer. It buffs your pH to 8.3, and even if you overdose it by accident, it will not raise the pH any higher than 8.3. It is just as good as the Kent buffer (which buffs your pH to somewhere between 8.1 and 8.3).
I've used both, but I've found that I like the SeaChem stuff better. My pH has not changed since I have been using it.


If you are wanting to raise your PH then just add 1 tablespoon of bakeing soda. Test water next day and if needed do it again. But it shouldn't take alot. Raise it slowly.


I really do not prefer the baking/washing soda methods. Way to easy to screw your chemistry up.
I do prefer the use of a commercial buffer method that we have already talked about.
Also have your magnesium tested.
Baking soda is for alkalinity not the ph, but it does work. I would warn you though not to raise it too fast buy this method becuse you can really screw things up.
Baking Soda
To raise 50 gallons of tank water by 1 meq/L will require about 16 grams of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate; sodium hydrogencarbonate). Since a level teaspoon of baking soda weighs just under 6 grams, then 1 teaspoon will raise the alkalinity in that 50 gallons by ~0.4 meq/L (~1 dKH).
Washing Soda
To raise 50 gallons of tank water by 1 meq/L will require 10 grams of washing soda (sodium carbonate). Since a level teaspoon of washing soda weighs just over 6 grams, then 1 teaspoon will raise the alkalinity in that 50 gallons by ~0.6 meq/L (~1.7 dKH).