Your pH is low probably due to your buffer system being low.
Alk and calc are your related buffers. In simple terms what this means is at proper levels for alkalinity and calcium, you can add acid (by way of fish waste, top off water, left over uneaten food etc...) and the buffer "eats" the acid, or neutralizes it.
The best way to raise pH is with PROPER water changes. Circulate your change out water for at least 24 hrs, check to see specific gravity is 1.025, and test the pH of it after 24 hrs. You will be amazed that it will be around the 8.2 range.
you want to raise pH slowly. Rapid pH change is detrimental to marine life. Do not use any buffers to raise pH, as this is a big misconception. Buffers keep pH stable.
You should get an alkalinity kit.
You should also look into using b-ionic 2 part buffer system. It is by far the best product for keeping your buffer system stable. Itis easy to use, and also provides some trace elements.
good luck!