ph is low what to do??

hawk fish

my ph levels are very low what can i do to bring them up right now they are at 7.8 three days ago they were at 8.2 do i need to do a water change what is going on with the tank? thanks, Eric


Active Member
What are your Ca and alk readings? A water change is the best thing you can do, but you also need to test your Ammonia, Nitrite and nitrate readings, more than likely they are fine, but if you were to have an ammonia spike they can bring the pH level down.
Anway post your levels and then you will know where to go from there, if you keep Ca and Alk in the correct level then you don't have to worry about pH.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shnabbles
You may need to buffer it untill you get your calcium and alk under control.

but we don't know that until you post your readings as Birdy suggested...

hawk fish

ahhhh what is going on im going to do a 20 gallon water change later do you think that will help? by the way my tank is a 90 gallon reef


Active Member
If you find your ph is still low and all other levels are fine you can introduce some fresh air into the room where your tank is. Just open a window and let the fresh air blow into the room. I learned about this on a few weeks ago and it works for my tank! I just place a fan infront of an open window then open the doors to my stand so the fresh air can be sucked into the air line on my skimmer. After a couple hours the ph always rises about .2 or so. All other levels should be in line thoughto make sure its not a diffrent problem, of course. The reason why is its something to do with CO2 saturation in the air in the house.....just need some fresh air.


Active Member
very good point Escape.
Get a Alk test, whatever you don't get a red sea test (they only say high average or low or something like that). Get one that measures the exact reading, salifert is my prefered brand.
Water changes should fix it in any case, nothing to freak out about in any case, most of my tanks run around 8.0, stability is more important that the exact correct readings IMO anyway.
Lots of people with Calcium reactors run thier pH around 7.8, as long as Alk and Ca are in the correct level and pH is stable then don't sweat it and dont run around pouring pH up into your tanks :thinking:


Your pH is low probably due to your buffer system being low.
Alk and calc are your related buffers. In simple terms what this means is at proper levels for alkalinity and calcium, you can add acid (by way of fish waste, top off water, left over uneaten food etc...) and the buffer "eats" the acid, or neutralizes it.
The best way to raise pH is with PROPER water changes. Circulate your change out water for at least 24 hrs, check to see specific gravity is 1.025, and test the pH of it after 24 hrs. You will be amazed that it will be around the 8.2 range.
you want to raise pH slowly. Rapid pH change is detrimental to marine life. Do not use any buffers to raise pH, as this is a big misconception. Buffers keep pH stable.
You should get an alkalinity kit.
You should also look into using b-ionic 2 part buffer system. It is by far the best product for keeping your buffer system stable. Itis easy to use, and also provides some trace elements.
good luck!


Originally Posted by escape2thewater
If you find your ph is still low and all other levels are fine you can introduce some fresh air into the room where your tank is. Just open a window and let the fresh air blow into the room. I learned about this on a few weeks ago and it works for my tank! I just place a fan infront of an open window then open the doors to my stand so the fresh air can be sucked into the air line on my skimmer. After a couple hours the ph always rises about .2 or so. All other levels should be in line thoughto make sure its not a diffrent problem, of course. The reason why is its something to do with CO2 saturation in the air in the house.....just need some fresh air.
Thats evertime!