PH issue...


Ok I've ntoiced that according to a new digital PH monitor (that I calibrated with two different known PH solutions) my PH is low and I need to raise it.
Anyone have any good solutions?
PH - 8.04
NH4 - 0
NO3 - 0
NO2 - 0
CA - 380


Active Member
8.0 is great as long as it is consistant. 7.8-8.3 is a good range but consistancy is more important. To increase pH you need to have good gas exchange (powerheads agitating the surface). pH is generally lower in the morning when lights have been off all night and photosynthesis was at its lowest. To correct this people grow macroalgae in their fuge/sump and put a light on opposite the schedule of the main lights. My pH is steady at 8.0 but on cooler days when I open my windows my pH had risen to 8.2. Fresh air helps too.


Active Member
Never use buffer. Your salt mix should have that included and regular water changes will help replenish that and other trace elements.


Originally Posted by earlybird
8.0 is great as long as it is consistant. 7.8-8.3 is a good range but consistancy is more important. To increase pH you need to have good gas exchange (powerheads agitating the surface). pH is generally lower in the morning when lights have been off all night and photosynthesis was at its lowest. To correct this people grow macroalgae in their fuge/sump and put a light on opposite the schedule of the main lights. My pH is steady at 8.0 but on cooler days when I open my windows my pH had risen to 8.2. Fresh air helps too.
Wow i cant believe that opening a window really works ;)
Ok I'm not nervous now... I put some liverock in yesterday and found a hitchiker... I'm going to take some pictures tonight.
I'm about 99% sure that the hitch hiker is a sand sifting star fish so I'm a little worried about him surviving in a newish tank...
I did fill it with nearly 200 pounds of live sand so hopefully there's something in there for it to munch on.. It's gotta be rare though because they are not tolerant of water changes and I'm like 99% sure they are not supposed to be exposed to the air?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefpro
Wow i cant believe that opening a window really works ;)
Ok I'm not nervous now... I put some liverock in yesterday and found a hitchiker... I'm going to take some pictures tonight.
I'm about 99% sure that the hitch hiker is a sand sifting star fish so I'm a little worried about him surviving in a newish tank...
I did fill it with nearly 200 pounds of live sand so hopefully there's something in there for it to munch on.. It's gotta be rare though because they are not tolerant of water changes and I'm like 99% sure they are not supposed to be exposed to the air?
Opening a window allows co2 built up in your house to clear out which affects pH. Try it if you can.
Probably a brittle starfish. I wouldn't worry about him if he's lasted this long. You might have a lot more that are hiding in your rocks that you may never see. Starfish can be exposed to air but not long obviously.


Originally Posted by earlybird
Opening a window allows co2 built up in your house to clear out which affects pH. Try it if you can.
Probably a brittle starfish. I wouldn't worry about him if he's lasted this long. You might have a lot more that are hiding in your rocks that you may never see. Starfish can be exposed to air but not long obviously.
Definately a sand sifter.. hes out and about now... he went under the sand to the side of the tank and climbed the glass...
That's pretty shocking to me to get a sand sifter in life rock..


Originally Posted by earlybird
Opening a window allows co2 built up in your house to clear out which affects pH. Try it if you can.
Probably a brittle starfish. I wouldn't worry about him if he's lasted this long. You might have a lot more that are hiding in your rocks that you may never see. Starfish can be exposed to air but not long obviously.
I just gave it a shot and its already up to 8.11
Guess I need some exhaust in this room ;)


Originally Posted by earlybird
Pretty neat huh.
It was really wierd... you never realize how stagnant the air gets in your house until something like this happens I guess ;)