PH Low in Cycling Tank

blue dew

I may be more worried about this than I need to be, but I'd like some opinions from you knowledgable folks since I too am new to the saltwater hobby.
My tank has been up and running for 11 days now. Its a 30 gallon with 60 lbs sand(50 lbs aragonite and 10 lbs Carib Sea Arag Live sand) and I just added 32 lbs cured live rock yesterday. I hadn't cycled the tank, so I've got a couple shrimp(dead-cocktail type) in there at the same time. No livestock at all and no plans until the cycle is complete.
My problem is my PH won't go above 8.0. It hasn't since I first set up the tank. Salinity is 1.024, Alk is 4.5 meq/l, Temp is 78. I've tried opening the windows to let more oxygen into the room and checking the PH at different times. Still at 8.0.
I'm using Seachem test sets and I tried the PH reference test that comes with the kit and it reads at 8.3 just like it should.
Do I have a real problem? I havn't added any buffers or chemicals at all. I have a CPR Backback 2R skimmer, but I'm not running it since I've read quite a few posts saying to not to during the cycle.
I'm also not running any lights during the cycle yet. I'd certainly appreciate any input.


Active Member
completely normal for Ph to be low during cycle, I don't even test Ph until the cycle is finished. Once it is finished doing a water change should bring it back up and you can add buffers as needed.

blue dew

Thanks for the replies!
I will try not to worry about it right now. It has slipped down to 7.9 as the cycle continues.
On a related subject, is it possible to get an adequate cycle without a really high spike in ammonia? The reason why I'm asking is that yesterday was the highest I saw the ammonia at about 1.5 to 2.0 ppm. Today it was down to .5 ppm, but Nitrite is on the rise at 15. The two shrimp that I put in wednesday disentegrated completly today. They were in a brine shrimp net that I closed off with a rubberband. Should I add something else like some raw fish to increase the ammonia? My live rock was pretty much cured and the "live sand" is supposed to be full of bacteria. Just want to have a good cycle so I don't run into problems further down the line.


It sounds like you are right on track.Just be patient. I commend you in the way you are asking questions and following the advice of members of this board. In the long run you will be very happy with the results you get by going slow and read,read,read. Welcome to the board and Good Luck.