PH Low


What is a good natural way to keep the PH up in a FOWLR tank w/o having to add buffers every week?
Oh yeah, it's 240g w/o sump 270w/sump, 3" sand bed, 275 ( approx ) lbs live rock and another approx 50lbs ( non ) live rock. I've been keeping it in check but it's starting to get annoying. When I don't "medicate" the tank It drops to 7.2.


Active Member
what kind of sand do you have? aragonite sand should keep it at 8.0-8.3 . are your test kits good? when are you testing? Ph fluctuates throughout the day, so do a test in the morning, the middle of the day, and at night, and see what your readings are.


I am using aragonite sand but the levels still stay low. My test kit is good and all my other levels are fine. I've used it on a friends tank to verify that it's not the kit.