PH Meter - Handheld from


Active Member
Anyone using this ph meter?
just bought one and it doesn't seem to keep a steady number. goes up and down, not sure if i need to calibrate it or not.


You needs two packets of 7.0 and 10.0 and test with Ph and see if 7.0 packet is not on mesaure then you need to calibrate with 7.0. when insert PH into pacet of 7.0 and calibrate with screw til you see 7.0 then test with 10.0 packet if there are 10.0 on meter, you are done with calibrate.
I use PH600. I kept calibrated every two weeks.


Active Member
your really supoosed to cal. at each use anyhow, when u test make sure your slowly swirl the water whyll your testing


Active Member
Originally Posted by larryndana
so once calibrated it will be fine? and not jump around?
how bad is it jumping . is it hundredth or going fron 7 to 8 to 6


Active Member
i tested one tank and it stay dead on a number.
any other water it just seems like it just keeps counting down and down. i'm sure i'm probably trying to rush things. i'm gonna try again in the morning.
how does yours work? do you have the same one?


Active Member
is this water rodi, if it is u cant measure ph on that . if its working on your tank water then thats a good thing


remember tap water the ph is 9.0 to 10. RO/DI is nothing like pure water that is unable to lock on data. That why you get false reading jump like bounce 6.0 to 8.0
when you test the ph into tank and your reading will say 8.0 to 8.3 during daylight and the nightime will range from 7.8 to 8.0, I don't know what about your PH.
After you finish the test raise with tap water and keep it moisture, not RO/DI water


I dont know for sure but tap is 9.5 and TDS meter is 79 ppm from the facuet in kitchen.
I doesn't drink straight out from tap, I use filter.


Active Member
ok, ro/di water was the first problem. now i believe i an gonna need to calibrate it.
here are my readings
10gal - 7.0
24gal - 7.1 to 7.0
30gal - 7.1 to 7.0
tap - 8.0
do i just do a search for calibration liquids, are there any differences in brands. don't list anybodys web site, just a brand please.


You can use Coralife 7.0 and 10.0 High Precision Calibration solution, can find at LFS, cost about 3 to 4 bucks for 6 packs.


Active Member
i've found pinpoint calibration solutions, can't seem to find coralife at all.
what should i get 4, 7, or 10?

mr. green

Originally Posted by larryndana
i've found pinpoint calibration solutions, can't seem to find coralife at all.
what should i get 4, 7, or 10?
Speaking from a lab junkies, I would get all three. A 3 point calibration can really help you if the money is there. This way you can get your meter in check if you encounter a low and high pH. If you can only get one, I would go with 7 since this is close to what range you will be reading.
Originally Posted by rmahnick
You can use Coralife 7.0 and 10.0 High Precision Calibration solution, can find at LFS, cost about 3 to 4 bucks for 6 packs.
Is each pack good for only one time calibrating or can it be used more?


Originally Posted by NewBostonConst
Is each pack good for only one time calibrating or can it be used more?
Right now we are out of town, use slow internet.
Only one time use. Discard the packet when it calibrating.
I used packet probably twice a month the 6 packet of 7.0 and 10. You have 6 packet of each.