I woke up to one of my chromis being dead this morning and I went out and bought a test kit. The guy from the LPS that I purchased my take from would normally check my tank once a month, but due to my first fish dying on me I wanted to test myself. My levels are as follows PH 8.1, Nitrate 10, Nitrite 0.2, Amonia 0. The test kit say's that these levels are good, but then why did my fish dye. My other fish are 2 Clowns, 1 Hippo Tang, 1 Yellow Tang, 1 Oriole Angel, 1 Coral Beauty Angel, 1 Blennie, 1 Cleaner Shrimp, 1 Fire Shrimp, 15 Hermit Crabs, 3 Jumbo Mexican Turbo Snails and 10 Small Snails. All the other fish are doing great and there seems to be lots of life in my live rock (little worms all over and tiny anemones growing on one rock). Is there any concern for my other fish?