pH, nitrites, and nitrates


Just tested my water for pH, nitrites, nitrates, and hardness. Just wondering what pH should be, how i change it, same for hardness. Also, how do i lower nitrites and nitrates. Nitrates are at 40, which i understand is about the max, and nitrites are .25 or 3...depending on which test kit you want to go by.
Also want to add some LR to my tank. Anything special I should know about it. Do i need to do anything to keep it "live." and how much should i get for a 75 gal tank?
Sorry for all the ?'s TIA
who long has this tank been set up?if its new setup then its cycling. and will go down in time cycle takes bout 6weeks or so.
adding lr is no prob just add it not sure of the lbs to gal ratio.


Active Member
How did you cycle your tank? Anything living in it? Nitrites should never be present in a cycled tank. If nothing was placed in it to maintain your cycle (LR, livestock, fish food etc.) your nitrifying bacteria will die and you'll be starting all over.
Amount of LR = 1-1.5lb per gal (depends on the density of the rock and personal preference)


Active Member
Liz, please post all info about your tank:
size, filtration, inhabitants, maintenace procedures, all test levels (Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, alk.).
As was stated before you should not have any nitrites in a cycled tank, I am wondering if your problems is not enough biological filtration and possibly too many fish and overfeeding.