pH of RO water?


Originally Posted by Nancysalt
Oh... I forgot what should I use to bring up the ph in the water?

The salt you will be adding will bring up the PH.
interesting thread...made me check all of my on a well...tap was at 7.1, tank water 7.9 and rodi water was at 6.0
,freshly mixed saltwater (26 hrs) 7.9 i have a ph meter that i calibrated before the test...wierd or what?


Originally Posted by halcyon_diver
interesting thread...made me check all of my on a well...tap was at 7.1, tank water 7.9 and rodi water was at 6.0
,freshly mixed saltwater (26 hrs) 7.9 i have a ph meter that i calibrated before the test...wierd or what?
Your RO/DI should be at neutral (7.0) if its not, something is wrong. Maybe filter need changing. I just bought RO/DI from my LFS after he just changed filters and bingo.....7.0 PH
Originally Posted by Snaredrum
Your RO/DI should be at neutral (7.0) if its not, something is wrong. Maybe filter need changing. I just bought RO/DI from my LFS after he just changed filters and bingo.....7.0 PH

the surprising thing is the filters, membrane and di resin are only 3 1/2 months old
Mike, how are the fish in hypo doin?...hope all is well


Active Member
ph is a mystery still
i still want to borrow your electronic ph and tds meter on sunday if that's ok, but the hypo is ... interesting... the fish isn't looking hot (almost as if the ich exploded and took out its back). Todd offered me a new fish if this one dies (which is cool of him, but i don't know i would take him up on it--its not his fault). the bicolor blenny is doing fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Snaredrum
The salt you will be adding will bring up the PH.

i could swear fresh salt water lowers pH which is why you have to aerate it to get rid of the co2 caused by the salt mixing. am i getting my ups and downs based on o2 and co2 mixed up again?


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
i could swear fresh salt water lowers pH which is why you have to aerate it to get rid of the co2 caused by the salt mixing. am i getting my ups and downs based on o2 and co2 mixed up again?
It really depends on the salt, pure H2O should be neutral at 7.0. My ph of salt water going into my tank is usually around 7.8 or 7.9, the argonite buffers the rest. I never worry about it.


Active Member
The ph or my RO water is around 6.5 . When I bought a RO unit and started using RO water , I was having problems with many salts getting my ph to where it should be . Talked to many reefers and companies about this . Meantime I was using Seachem Marine buffer 8.4 that didn`t affect my Alk which was good as it was high . Ended up using Red Sea Coral pro after trying many different salts and solved my problems , ph and alk right where they should be .
Originally Posted by renogaw
ph is a mystery still
i still want to borrow your electronic ph and tds meter on sunday if that's ok, but the hypo is ... interesting... the fish isn't looking hot (almost as if the ich exploded and took out its back). Todd offered me a new fish if this one dies (which is cool of him, but i don't know i would take him up on it--its not his fault). the bicolor blenny is doing fine.
glad to hear one is hangin in there...hope the other pulls thru as well...and yeah..ill be here on sunday